Chapter Five

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Sakari's POV

Zuko and Iroh had just finished explaining what had happened, I was now sat between them with my hands tied in front of me "like a prisoner should be."

"So, a twelve-year-old boy got the better of you and your Firebenders. You're more pathetic than I thought." Zhao said, pacing in front of us.

"I underestimated him once, it won't happen again." Zuko replied, a determined tone to his voice.

"No, it will not, because you won't have a second chance." Zhao stated.

"Commander, I've been hunting the Avatar for two years, and I -"

"And you failed." Zhao cut Zuko off with a blast of fire. "Capturing the Avatar is too important a mission to leave in the hands of a teenager. He's mine now."

With a yell Zuko attempted to stand and attack Zhao but was held back by the guards.

"Keep them here." Zhao said before turning and leaving.

Zuko got angry and kicked the table over, while I sat silently, and Iroh asked for more tea. We are truly very different people, not saying I don't have a temper, because when I get angry you better run. But I can definitely control it better than this hot-headed prince.

"You know, you should really learn to control your anger." I stated.

"Shut up!" Zuko yelled at me.

"See?" I said.

Zuko mumbled something to himself and turned away from me. It wasn't long before Zhao returned, looking very proud of himself.

"Finally, I was starting to get bored." I whispered to Iroh.

"My search party is ready." Zhao announced. "Once I'm out to sea, my guards will escort you back to your ship, and you will be free to go."

"Why? Are you worried I'm gonna try and stop you?" Zuko asked, making Zhao laugh.

"You... Stop me? That Water Tribe girl would have a better chance." Zhao said, chuckling.

"Don't underestimate me, Zhao. I will capture the Avatar before you." Zuko stated.

"Prince Zuko, that's enough." Iroh said, getting up from his seat.

"You can't compete with me. I have hundreds of warships at my command, you're just a banished prince. No home, no allies. Your own father doesn't even want you." Zhao reminded Zuko.

I'm going to have to ask someone about that later, I thought to myself.

"You're wrong." Zuko tried defending himself. "Once I deliver the Avatar to my father, he will welcome me home with honour and restore my rightful place on the throne."

"Your father would have let you return by now if he really wanted you home. Avatar or no Avatar. But you are a failure in his eyes, and a disgrace to the Fire Nation." Zhao stated.

"That's not true." Zuko said.

"You have the scar to prove it." Zhao reminded him.

His father gave him the scar? Hmm, I'll have to ask about that too.

"Maybe you'd like one to match!" Zuko yelled.

"Is that a challenge?" Zhao scoffed.

"An Agni Kai. At sunset." Zuko stated.

"Very well. It's a shame your father won't be here to watch me humiliate you. I guess your uncle will do." Zhao said before leaving the tent.

"Prince Zuko, have you forgotten what happened last time you duelled a master?" Iroh asked.

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