Chapter Eleven

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Zuko's POV

It was much later when we finally reunited with the ship and Sakari had fallen asleep where she sat. I scooped her into my arms, not wanting to wake her, and carried her to her room. I placed her in her bed and pulled the covers up to her chin, smiling as I did so, before leaving the room to get some sleep myself... Wait... What the hell am I doing?!


The next morning, I was training with my master, surprised to see that Sakari wasn't out here annoying me as she usually did, when the ship suddenly started turning, throwing me and my master off balance. I stormed up to the control room and walked in to see Uncle Iroh teaching Sakari to play Pai Sho. Ignoring them I stormed over to the helmsman.

"What's the meaning of this? No one told you to change course." I yelled at the man.

"Actually, someone did." Iroh corrected me. "I assure you; it is a matter of utmost importance."

"Is it something to do with the Avatar?" I asked.

"Even more urgent. It seems I -" Iroh got choked up and couldn't finish his sentence.

"He's lost the lotus tile." Sakari told me, deep in thought about what move to make next.

"Lotus tile?" I asked, confused.

"Indeed. Most people think the lotus tile insignificant. But it is essential for the unusual strategy that I was planning to use against Sakari." Iroh explained.

"Hey!" Sakari yelled, sounding very annoyed.

"You've changed our course for a stupid lotus tile?" I exclaimed.

"See, you, like most people, underestimate its value." Iroh said. "Just give me ten minutes to check the merchants at this port of call."

"Hopefully they won't have one so you can't use this unusual strategy on me." Sakari muttered, crossing her arms.

I let my frustration out by blowing a breath of fire from my mouth and leaving the room.

"You're such a hothead!" Sakari yelled to me.


Sakari's POV

We docked at a port and Zuko and I followed Iroh around as he checked in shop after shop, finally coming to a stop.

"I've checked all the shops on this pier. Not a lotus tile in the entire marketplace." Iroh said sounding a little sad.

"It's good to know this trip was a complete waste of time for everyone!" Zuko yelled at his uncle.

"Quite the contrary. I always say the only thing better than finding something you are looking for is finding something you weren't looking for at a great bargain!" Iroh exclaimed.

I watched as a few of the crew walked past us, carrying loads of things Iroh bought.

"You bought a sungi horn?" I asked, eyeing the instrument.

"For music night on the ship." Iroh said as if it was obvious. "Now, if only we had some woodwinds."

We walked a little further up the pier until we came to a pirate ship.

"This place looks promising!" Iroh said happily.

We entered the ship and Iroh's attention was immediately grabbed by a monkey statue that had rubies as eyes.

"Oh, isn't that handsome? Wouldn't it look magnificent in the galley?" Iroh asked.

"Sure, Iroh." I replied sarcastically.

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