Chapter One

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AN: This is what I imagine Sakari to look like, except without the headband :) Also, obviously, she wears the same type of clothes as Katara.


Sakari's POV

"Alright, watch and learn ladies. This is how you catch a fish." My twin brother, Sokka, informed Katara and I.

I was sitting in my own canoe and looked down to the pile of fish at my feet, then looked over to my brother who was holding his spear up.

"Sokka, I think I know how to catch a fish." I told him as I paddled closer to my siblings' canoe.

Sokka looked into my boat and his jaw dropped, making Katara and I giggle.

"That's not fair! You used your bending!" Sokka complained before going back to focusing on his fish.

"Sokka, look!" Katara suddenly exclaimed.

I looked over to her and saw that she had used her bending to catch a fish and it was now hovering above her.

"Way to go sis!" I said, clapping my hands for her.

"Shh! You're gonna scare it away." Sokka whisper yelled at us.

We ignored him and I watched as Katara's fish floated in the air, above the canoe, and fell right on top of Sokka.

"Ah!" Sokka yelled.

I fell back in my canoe laughing at my brother as his face turned to one of annoyance.

"Why is it that every time you play with magic water, I get soaked?" He complained.

"Well I'm sorry I can't be as good as Sakari, we don't all have some weird connection with the Moon Spirit." Katara said, crossing her arms and pouting at me.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. You know I've asked Tui if she can teach you as well." I responded.

It's true that for as long as I can remember I've been able to enter the Spirit World and learn waterbending from Tui, the Moon Spirit. Gran Gran says it's because I'm an "enlightened individual" and only enlightened individuals and the Avatar can enter the Spirit World through meditation.

"Well, if you ask me, you're both weird. If I were you two, I'd keep my weirdness to myself." Sokka told us.

"You're calling us weird?" Katara asked.

"We're not the ones who make muscles at ourselves every time we see our reflection." I added.

Sokka turned around and was about to say something when our canoes suddenly got caught in a current. I screamed as my canoe smashed into a small iceberg and I was thrown into the water. Thinking quickly, I bended the water around me and created a small whirlpool, shooting myself out of the water and landing on the iceberg. I looked around but I couldn't see my siblings anywhere.

"Where the hell did they go?" I said to myself.

I used waterbending to make my iceberg start moving in the direction I thought they went, and as I got closer, I could hear Katara yelling at Sokka and chuckled to myself until I heard a loud cracking sound and what sounded like a large wave. I navigated myself through the ice until I found my siblings, but I was shocked at what I saw next.

"What did you two do?!" I yelled from behind them.

There was a massive glowing iceberg in front of them with what looked like a young boy inside it, as I jumped onto the iceberg Sokka and Katara were on he suddenly opened his eyes, making all three of us jump.

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