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V got closer to Hoseok's face. "Taehy-" Hoseok tried to say but was interrupted by V slamming his lips against Hoseok's lips. Hoseok softly kissed V back and tried his best to keep up with V's lips.

"Slower V." Hoseok said well continuing to kiss V. Without hesitation V started to kiss Hoseok slower matching the speed of Hoseoks lips. V slowly started to get on top of Hoseok.

Hoseok broke the kiss and put his hands on V's chest. "Calm down V." Hoseok said quickly well catching his breath. V got off of Hoseok and sat against the wall. "I'm sorry Hoseok." V said well laying back down.

Hoseok faced V again and put his leg between V's legs. "There is nothing to be sorry about. Just go to sleep V." Hoseok said well closing his eyes. V nodded and closed his eyes with Hoseok.

Morning came soon and Hosoek woke up and saw V was still asleep. He softly removed his leg from between V's. He sat up and yawned before standing up and going to his closet. He grabbed a black hoodie and removed his recent shirt and grabbed black jeans.

He put the jeans on quickly. He put the hoodie on and looked behind him. He let out a gasp. "How long were u staring for?!" Hoseok said well covering his face. V laughed and stood up. "Since u took your shirt off." V said well smirking. Hoseok groaned and looked away from V. "Dont worry I didnt start  staring until u put the hoodie on." V said well walking towards Hoseok.

"Hurry and change I'll be waiting outside." Hosoek said quickly and left the room fast. V sighed. He changed into a yellow shirt with blue jeans and black shoes. He left the room and saw that no one was in the living room or kitchen. He went outside and saw Hoseok standing patiently.

He walks towards him. "Jimin wanted to meet at the club near the cafe since we arnt going to school today." V said well pointing. Hoseok nodded and started to walk. V followed besides him. "Why are u acting so nervous around me?" V said well looking at Hosoek with a pout. Hoseok took a deep breath and stopped. V stopped with him and looked his straight in the eyes. "T-Taehyung what is h-happening between us... L-Like what are we to e-each other." Hoseok said softly stuttered well looking down.

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