Side Story

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I got to see Mabel and Dipper grow up since they were about 12 or little bit older. Dipper grew more like me, smart, a degree in school and successful while Mabel, she was like Stanley. She liked doing things that interested her, liked to mess things up and think a bit more than Stanley as well.

When I heard that their parents died, I was willing to let them stay at our place, more like watch over them. And once I found out that Bill is still out there, I wanted to get him and seal him away forever this time.

But Dipper was depressive about their death when they came. Mabel on the other hand wasn't which was weird. Since she was in better state than he was(more like she didn't care about them) so I decided to ask her.

After the fight
This isn't what I had in mind. Of course it didn't look like she didn't care about their deaths. How the heck am I supposed to know how she feels?! I get the fact she's different but she didn't seemed bothered to HELP! Darn it Stanley!

After Mabel Found Bill
I can't believe she found him before I could... more like why did she release him? I don't need him to destroy what we kept so hard to protect. Then it comes to this huh? I might have to sacrifice her then,- sacrifice I wouldn't mind making. I'll make sure to have no one know about her and forget about her, not even Bill will remember her!

One thing I had in mind was this: Teach StanFord a lesson. He must be plotting something, I just have a feeling about it.

I'm gonna have to make sure Mabel and Dipper is protected. I get the feeling that Wendy might not be involved, if she is, I'll make sure she doesn't get hurt either.

Let's hope nothing happens.
Hey guys! This weeks chapters isn't ready! So whenever I don't have it ready, I think I'm gonna make side stories.

I have been busy with work and school is coming up soon so I have been busy! Is there a certain story of them you would like, message me or comment here that way I could write that as one of the side stories!

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