Chapter 11 - Crying Boy Comes To Me

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I explained everything to Wendy and she was willing to let us stay if we help her around her shop. We helped set everythings up and ideas she could have for the menu. Then finally, it's break time.

"I can't believe that Ford kicked you out." Wendy sighs.

"I bet he's jealous." Bill smiles, Wendy and I look at him and sigh.

"What makes you think that?" I asked, Bill chuckles and winks at me. "Don't ever wink at me again."

"A-Anyways, I think he's mad that you found me faster than him. He's been searching for me ever since you guys sealed me away. So you found me faster than him." Bill explains.

"That may be true, Ford has been looking for you for awhile now. Mabel found you in a few hours right? He's probably mad and upset about you finding him and releasing him." Wendy tells us.

"True, but if he's mad, he should've never asked me for help, if Dipper was with him, They wouldn't have found him." I smiled.

"Now let's get back to work!" Wendy tells us.

We all have different jobs and parts to do. Bill's was to place the furniture where we wanted to go. Wendy did the decorating and painted some of the things. I got ingredients and supplies we needed for the shop. It took us most of the day, we only painted a little bit and decided the do the cooking for the rest of the night.

The Next Morning

I'm in the kitchen, I start preparing the ingredients to cook for a new food. Bill and Wendy were still sleeping, it was about 6 am, I yawn as I made myself some iced coffee. Then I hear a knock on the door. I sighed and ignored it until it kept becoming louder and someone kept pounding the door. I sighed and went to the front.

"I'm coming!" I shout. I rub my eyes and look at who it was, my eyes widened. He looked up at me, he was crying. I quickly open the door and let him in.

"M-Mabel!" He shouts as he hugs me.

"Dipper, are you okay? Why are you here with your stuff?" I asked.

"I...I ran away since Grunkle Ford wouldn't let me come visit you." He explains. I sighed and locked the door once he let me go.

"Anyways, come to the kitchen, I'll share some food."

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