Chapter 2 - Traveling There

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I sigh and look at Dipper. He was asleep, he was crying a little. I smiled sadly and listen the the music. I call Grunkle Ford

"Hey Grunkle Ford, we are on our way." I tell him. I hear a sigh of relief over the phone.

"Alright. Be careful. Stan right now is excited to see you both." He tells me.

"Okay. I'm sorry in advance if Dipper is too sad to do anything." I tell him. I hear a chuckle.

"I get it. He probably wouldn't if he just lost his parents." He said. I smiled and sighed.

"Yeah... Anyways I have to go, see you soon." I said back.

"See ya soon." He says back then hangs up. I sighed and looked at the road. I went to the highway and turned up the music. Then I get a message from Wendy. I look at the message and smiled. But I don't reply right way. Then I get a voice mail.

"Hey Mabel and Dipper! It's me... Wendy. How are you guys? I glad I could see you guys soon. I know your going through a hard time but we are here for you." She tells us. I smiled and laughed a little.

"Don't worry... I won't be able to show my emotions... it's Dipper's turn to show how he feels." I quietly whispered.

"B-Bill." Dipper mumbles. I quickly look over at him and sighed. I forgot about the triangle who tried to kill us. Bill Cipher is the god of the universe. He tried to destroy Gravity Falls... he was finally destroyed by Grunkle Stan a few years ago. All we know is that we never saw him again. I get out of the highway and stop at the red light. I look over at Dipper and smiled .

"We are almost there." I tell him. "We are almost home."

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