Chapter. 13 - The Cloak of Invisibility

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Very quickly it ended up being December, and it was Christmas! I was very excited, because many people were going home for Christmas, and the people who were staying here, which included me, Bridget, and Ron, and a couple more from each house, got to have a Christmas feast!!!

I had just woken up, and remembered it was Christmas, because from the common room, I could hear Bridget yelling, "Come on Ivy!!! There are presents for you!!!"

Presents? For me?

Whooping, I stampeded down the stairs, to find Bridget in a onesie, opening a large box, covered in snowflake wrapping paper. And the cool thing was, the snowflakes moved as if they were falling!

"Glad you finally woke up, I thought I was going to have to dump a bucket of water on your head!" Bridget laughed, her blonde hair swinging, and she beckoned me over.

"Come on, open your presents!!!" She urged, and I was happy to oblige.

So I opened the presents one by one, and I loved each and every one of them. Pansy got me a large fuzzy blanket with a llama on it, Bridget got me popcorn kernels (yay!), Sevvie-Kins got me a necklace with a snitch charm, Mrs. Weasley actually made me a sweater with an 'I' stitched on the front, some fudge, and Dumbles got me a package of Lemon Drops.

"I really get why Dumbles likes these things, they're great!" I exclaimed after eating a Lemon Drop. They made my mouth feel all fuzzy and warm.

There was one more parcel in the corner of the room, near the couch that nobody had opened yet, so I went over to it and saw a card. It just said some useless stuff like 'Use it well'. Pfft, yeah right.

I opened the bland package and out fell the coolest, most llama-y thing ever! It was a cloak of some sort, with many patterns along it. I had heard about these kinds of cloaks from Hermione, and I wondered which it was.

"Put it on, then! Don't waste time!" Bridget ushered me impatiently.

I wrapped the cloak around my body, leaving only my head out, and looked down, only to see that my body was missing!!!

"Holy Salazar!" Bridget screeched, "You now own one of the most rarest cloaks in the world!"

An invisibility cloak! Oh, the things I could do with it. Although, the most is do with it is explore the school at night, and repeatedly poke Sevvie-kins in the head. But, it would be really funny when he turned around, then realized no one was there.

"Come on, we have to go to breakfast." Bridget ushered, and both of us walked out of the common room in our pyjama's.

When we walked up the stairs and to the Great Hall, only one thought was ringing through my mind.

I was going to use the Invisibility Cloak tonight.

Ivy Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter FF) Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora