Chapter. 17 - Interrogating Sevvie

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I was feeling quite guilty, in truth.

I was in the Potions classroom, sipping a cup of my favourite mint tea, while I waited for Sevvie-kins to appear. I really didn't want to interrogate my favourite professor, but Mione and Ron were so very insistant. I kept telling them that it was most likely Quirrell, but they really thought that it was Sev.

He entered the classroom, striding almost, like a bat, and now I finally understood his nickname 'The Dungeon Bat.'

"So, what do you have planned...for today?" I asked nonchalantly, and took a sip of the scolding hot tea.

He raised an eyebrow, and a house elf appeared with a cup of tea for Snape. "Just the usual things. Classes, dinner, marking homework...why? What do you have planned, Ivy?" He enquired, and squinted his eyes with an emotion almost akin to curiousity.

"Nothing...just curious about you is all." I said, and crossed my left leg over my right.

"Mhm." He muttered, incredulously, and withheld another sip of tea.

"It's true!" I exclaimed, but probably not too convincingly.

"Sure, Ivy......I'll give you food if if you tell me what is going on." He bribed me, and to be honest I almost gave in.

"" I said, although it sounded more like a question.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell me?" Sevvie questioned with a devious-Slytherin-like smirk.


"So you want to tell me?"


We sat there, and I took a long, loud sip of my tea. It sounded like I was slurping, only to break the silence, because I was, and Sev just decided to let the subject drop.

"Thank you my little bucket o' sunshine," I grinned, and sat back in victory, "So no unusual plans after dinner?"

"Don't call me that ever again, and nothing whatsoever." He replied, scowling his famous scowl.

"Okay...gotta go!" I screamed, and hastily set down the tea cup, and ran the bloody hell out of there.

I'm such a sly Slytherin, right?


"So," I breathed after running over to Mione and Ron, who were eating dinner at the Great Hall, "Nothing suspicious from Sevvie-kins whatsoever."

"Nothing." Hermione restated with a disbelieving tone of voice.

I shook my head proudly. "Nuh uh." I said with a lopsided grin.

"Blimey Ivy..." She droned, "He was probably lying to you!"

I rolled my green eyes, and took a large bite of bread with butter. They will not give this up! Hmm....I SHOULD BECOME A DOUBLE AGENT! I should tell Mione and Ron the stuff they want to hear, but I'll spy on Quirrell instead! I'm a genius. The minister of magic should just poof here and give me an Order of Merlin...right now.

"Ivy!" Ron shouted in my face, waving a drumstick.

"Shmurr?" I questioned, and looked at them in confusion, " were saying something."

"After dinner, do you mind staking out Snape?" Ron asked, and I shook my head.

"I do have homework, you know. I still need to turn in my essay on the properties and uses of lacewing flies. So, you do it." I sneered tiredly, and made my way to the Slytherin common room.

I wasn't going to stake out Sev, but I was getting ready for the final problem; Squirrell...ahem...Quirrell.

Ivy Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter FF) Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ