Chapter. 4 (The Sorting)

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McGonagall really wasn't kidding when she said GREAT hall, because it was enormous! There were four, long separate tables with kids all different ages sitting there. They all had their pointy, black hats on. I snorted quietly into my robes, because it was so stereotypical!

I overheard Bushy as we walked to the front, she stated, "The ceiling is charmed to look like the night sky. I read it in 'Hogwarts; a History.'"

I rolled my eyes. I've read it also, but you don't hear me blabbing. But, I shouldn't be judging, it's probably her personality.

Draco stood next to me, shivering and slightly pale. I nudged him in the arm comfortingly, to take his mind off the sorting, and he smiled at me in thanks.

"Before we start professor Dumbledore would like to say something," Minnie called out, and the chatter in the room dispersed.

Dumbles stood up and in a raspy voice said, "Our caretaker Argus Filch would like me to remind you that the 3rd floor corridors are completely off limits. Also, for the first years who do not know, never go to the forbidden forest. I would not go there unless you wish to die a horrible death. Thank you."

After that warm welcome, the sorting ceremony began.

"When I call you're name, step up and sit on this stool." McGonagall informed, and held up the scroll.

She looked up from the list on the long parchment paper and exclaimed,

"Abbott, Hannah!"

Minnie dropped the hat on her.


"Bones, Susan!"


"Boot, Terry!"


"Brocklehurst, Mandy!"


"Brown, Lavender!"

She became the very first Gryffindor of this year. And the first Slytherin was Millicent Bulstrode.

"Finch - Fletchley, Justin!"


The hat sorted people sometimes immediately, but occasionally it took a minute. Like with this 'Seamus Finnigan' fellow.

After almost a minute it screamed, "GRYFFINDOR!!!"

"Granger, Hermione!" Turned out to be Bushy. She jammed the hat on her head and it yelled,


She smiled and went to sit at her table. It went on for awhile, so I'll just tell you the important people and their houses.

Daphne, Draco, Bridget, Crabbe and Goyle all got into Slytherin.

I heard Pansy get called up and Mr. Hat immediately hollered,


Uh oh. The pressure was all on me now. I was still freaking out, but I heard my name get called.

"Potter, Ivy!"

I slowly stalked up to the stool. People started to whisper things like,"Ivy Potter? THE Ivy Potter?!"

I sat down and Minnie set the hat on my head. 'Hmmm difficult to sort.' I hear the hat speak.


Some people laughed, and that included Mr. Hat.

'Yes, yes I can. Now to sorting. Powerful, yes. So much power. But where to put you? Not Hufflepuff, no. Loyal , but not for you. You are definitely smart, but not Ravenclaw. Where to put you?'

I grew tired of him speaking so I just asked, "Mr. Hat? Do you like unicorns?"

He obviously grew surprised and said 'Well, I suppose so.'

"Cool, me too."

There was a slight pause.

"Oh My God! Hurry up and sort me already!!!" I snapped at it.

'I can see it now...SLYTHERIN!!!!!!!!'

The Slytherin table erupted into cheers, and I grinned like the Cheshire Cat. I took the hat off, skipped around the staff table, then went go to the Slytherin table. I sat inbetween Draco and Pansy, then held out both my hands under the table and they both high-fived me.

I looked to the staff table, where I saw Sevvie-kins. He smiled at me appraisingly and I him. After Blaise got sorted, who also got into Slytherin, Dumbles stood up.

He clinked his glass with his fork and proclaimed, "I have a few words I'd like to say,"

And the whole great hall went silent.

"Nitwit, blubber, oddment, tweak! Let the feast begin!!!"

With a wave of his hand a whole bunch of food appeared on each table.

"Is he a bit mad?" I inquired and Draco snorted.

"Obviously," An older kid stated, "Im Marcus Flint,"

I firmly shook his hand and responded, "Nice to meet you, and you probably already know my name."

I took a chicken leg, mashed potatoes with gravy for my dinner and eclairs for my dessert.

IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But one odd thing was when I looked at Squirrell my scar really started to ache. I needed to find out what he was hiding. Anyways, after the feast Dumbles had the head boys and girls guide the first years to bed.


"Girls upstairs to you're right, boys to you're left! I don't want boys in girls dorms or vice versa!" A 7th year girl proclaimed.

When me, Pansy, Bridget, Daphne, and Millicent got to our room our eyes widened.

It was all decorated with the Slytherin colours. The curtains and bedspreads were all green and silver, while the floors, desks, and the rest of the wooden objects were all dark wood.

I squealed and ran over to the bed by the window and screamed, "I call this one!"

The others soon claimed their own beds and unpacked their luggage like I had done. Millicent randomly predicted, "I think we're all going to be good friends,"

And the rest of us nodded and shrugged our shoulders in agreement. Also, to get to know each other better, we all told each other about ourselves.

"I'm Ivy Lily Potter. I like food, llamas, unicorns, reading, and sleep. I hate bullies, racist and stereotypical people. Oh and alpacas. They are the lesser llama," I rambled.

"I'm Daphne Amelia Greengrass. I like learning, singing, and boys. I hate bullies, rice pudding and giggly people." She proclaimed.

"I'm Millicent Eve Bulstrode. I like fashion, shopping, and boys. I hate girls who are full of themselves, bullies, and rats." Millie explained.

"I'm Bridget Rose Levingsworth. I like dancing, acting, and all things artsy. I hate sports, boys, and really heavy perfume." Bridget told us.

And last but not least was my newfound bestie Pansy, "I'm Pansy Elizabeth Parkinson. I like llamas, food, and boys. I hate gullible people, mean teachers, and bats."

We all shared things about ourselves until Pansy had suggested we sleep. I guess it was 10:00 and we had classes tomorrow. Ooh I can't wait! And so the 5 of us dozed off to sleep.

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