Chapter. 5 (Classes and the trapdoor)

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I yawned groggily and rolled over. I opened my eyes slightly expecting the tiny door of my cupboard but instead I saw Millie sleeping like a dead person next to me.

I then shot up like a rocket. It wasn't a dream! I was actually here! Escaping away from my nasty relatives, and to a magical place, where I would have so much fun, and make lots of new friends..I glanced at the clock and it read; 7:02.

Perfect. Just enough time to shower, get dressed, and have breakfast before my first day of classes.


I was just finishing tying the end of my French braid when I entered the great hall. I sat down at the Slytherin table, and after swinging my bag on the floor, I dug in to breakfast, eating eggs, toast, sausages, and a glass of pumpkin juice.

How did I miss out on this wonderful food for 11 years?

Oh yeah. Stupid Dursleys.

I went over to the Gryffindor table, to sit next to Hermione. Most of them were shooting me dirty looks though, so like the Slytherin I was, I gave them a glare back.

I plopped next to Hermione, and after a moment of realizing that I was here, she looked up at me, slightly dazed.

"Hello!" she smiled, she put a bookmark in the textbook she was reading, and closed it.

"Hi." I replied shortly, and we started talking about school and stuff when the subject of timetables arose.

"Have you got your timetable yet?" Mione asked curiously, leaning her elbows on the table.

"No..." I trailed off as I glanced over at Sevvie-kind handing out our timetables, "...but it looks like they handing them out now so I gotta go! See you later Mione!"

I rushed back to the Slytherin table, and immediately Draco handed me my timetable, but before I could look at it he stopped me.

"Why were you talking to that stupid mudblood?" he asked ignorantly.

So doing what first came to mind, I slapped him in the face, and the noise of me doing so resounded around the great hall.

Everyone turned to look at us, some gazes curious, some happy, but I didn't really notice.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL MIONE A MUDBLOOD?!?! SHE IS MORE THEN YOU'LL EVER BE!" I screamed, almost seething with anger.

Dear God I felt like throttling the boy.

I reached to hit him again but someone held me back. Turning my head slightly, I realized that it was my favourite professor. Yet, I kept struggling to get my wrists free to hopefully smack Draco.

"LET ME AT HIM SEVVIE-KINS!!!!" I hollered, and he shot me a stern look.

"I think it would be best to calm down right now Miss Potter." He suggested, but it was more like an order.

I looked at Malfoy's face, because I wanted to be the judge on wether I would leave him alone or not.

His pale skin had a distinct red hand-shaped mark, burning furiously on his left cheek.

Good enough.....for now.

"You're right Sevvie-kins. I'm just going to go wander for a bit 'kay?" I reassured, and restlessly, I paced around the room in a frenzy.

He released my hand and gave a single nod. So I walked and walked and walked. I reached the seventh floor, and was super bored by then.

I need something to entertain me. I thought. And suddenly there was a large door that wasn't there before.

Ivy Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter FF) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now