Chapter. 11 - The Whomping Willow

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We went to the gargoyle that allowed us up into Dumbles office, and Sevvie-kins spoke the password.

"Lemon drops." He uttered with pure loathing. I giggled, well, snorted loudly, as the gargoyle let us pass and we went to Dumbles office.

"Albus. We need to establish new living arrangements for Miss Potter." Snapie told Dumbledore rapidly.

"Slow down Severus. What reason is there to move Miss Potter from her household?"

"The Dursley's make her sleep in a cupboard." Sevvie seethed and I looked down at my shoes, going shy for a moment.

Dumbledore looked at me, wide eyed. his half-moon spectacles sat on the bridge of his nose, as he asked me this question. "Is this true Miss Potter?"

I nodded eventually, as I could feel my heart throbbing uncontrollably. I could also hear my uncle speaking in my head, his fatty voice protruding my thoughts.

'They'll never believe you if you tell them. No use trying to get out of here, girl.'

"Miss Potter. If you could leave me and Severus to talk, you should go to sleep." Dumbles suggested.

I nodded, grateful to be out of that situation, and I sprinted back down to the Slytherin common room; out of breath.

"Where've you been Potter?" I heard a voice ask, as soon as I entered.

"Places. Now go away Malfoy, I am really not in the mood." I hissed, turning around to face the guy.

"Why should I? I'm allowed to stay here, it's the common room." Draco sneered, folding his arms.

"I just meant in general, you non-llama."



I whipped my head around, and started to march to the girls dormitories without another word. But believe me, I wanted to say a lot of them.

"Night, Potter."

I halted in my tracks as I heard him speak again, never once turning around. Shortly after, I heard footsteps leading the other direction.

"Goodnight, Malfoy."


The next morning I had woken up peacefully. No squabbles with Draco, no attempted broom murder, and most importantly, it was the weekend.

I heard a yawn from across the room and a question.

"Where were you last night, Ivy? Mione, and Pansy were worried sick?" Daphne inquired, after sitting up in her bed.

"I was talking to Sevvie-kind about the quidditch game. If he knew anything about what happened." I responded nonchalantly.

"Oh..." she yawned, "I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast."

"Mm." was my only answer as I turned to go to the washroom.

After taking a loooong shower, I magically dried my hair and went down to meet my friends in the Great Hall. Although, I was still angry with Mione and Pansy.

I plopped ungracefully into a seat, that was next to Bridget's. I wanted to talk to her, she and I had never really talked that much, and I wanted to know more about her.

"Hey Bridget."

"Hey Ivy."

"You wanna hang out today?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Kay. After lunch meet me at the whomping willow."

I took a flapjack or two and munched on the way to Professor Sprout's classroom, where hopefully I'd find her.

"Bean Sprout?! Where are you?" I screamed throughout the greenhouse. I walked through all the plants and flowers, some of their roots getting caught on my clothes.

"Over here Miss Potter, and please, just Professor Sprout." Bean Sprout called to me from her desk.

"Whatever you say Beanie." I answered with a smile and walked over to her.

It looked like she had been chopping up some plant, that looked to be green, thin, and- oh wait. It was celery. Never mind.

"What would you like Miss Potter?" Beanie asked, while chopping more celery.

"I want to know why the Whomping Willow is nice to me."

She set her knife down, seeming a little put off, then responded, "Whomping Willows are like people Miss Potter. They either like people or they don't. This one just tends to smash people she hates."

(A/N I just had a me too moment.)

"Oh. Okay then. Guess that's it." I said, seeming a bit disappointed with the short, simple answer. I was expecting some...prophecy, new power or dramatic stuff like that. Oh well.

"Farewell, Miss Potter."

"Bye Beanie!"

Ivy Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter FF) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now