Chapter. 15 - My Best Friend

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I constantly kept coming back to see the strange, yet lovely mirror.

It felt like every time I was away from it, my heart ached. It hurt, and it hurt badly. I knew I was going to get caught, but at this point I was addicted to it, and didn't care.


I sat in front of the mirror, my fingers traced the outline of my mum and dad sadly. Wishing that they could actually be here.

Each time I came, I would talks about one of my friends, or the things I did in school, and right now, I brought up the subject of my dear friend; Sevvie-kins.

"He's really nice," I sighed, and yawned tiredly, "You would've loved him mum, he's truly great. And to think, Mione and Pansy thought he jinxed my broom."

Their reflections just smiled, but this time, I saw something abnormal. Dumbledore and Sev were there too.

I walked to the mirror, and with my index finger, I stuck it across Snape's face.

"Hehehe," I chuckled giddily, "Sevvie-kins has a moustache."

"I most certainly do not, Miss Potter."

I whipped my head around, to see that Sev and Dumbles were actually there. My face flushed a brilliant shade of red, that almost looked like my hair, and I chewed nervously on my lower lip.

"Sorry?" I shrugged my shoulders innocently.

"It is fine, Miss Potter," Dumbles spoke in his usual raspy old man voice, "Have you figured out what this mirror shows?"

I nodded my head profusely, and said, "It shows you your greatest desire. Desire is Erised backwards."

Dumbles smiled and muttered to me, "That is why you see yourself with both of your parents."

I looked down at my feet in sadness, and I felt Sev wrap his arm around my small shoulders.

"What do you see Professor Dumbledore?" I asked quietly.

"I?" He smiled still, although I could detect a hint of sadness, "I see myself holding a pair of woollen socks."

I giggled, and turned to my other Professor; my Sevvie-kins.

"What do you see Sev?" I enquired curiously.

And to which he replied quietly, "I see myself, with my best friend."

After a moment of silence, Dumbledore spoke again, but sternly, "Now, I truly suggest you do not go looking for this mirror again."

I nodded, and sniffled as well. I wouldn't be able to see my parents anymore. See their proud smiles.

"Now go to sleep Miss Potter." Sevvie said, and I walked back to the common room.

I fell asleep after getting into my warm bed, but I couldn't help but wonder one thing as I drifted off.

Who was Sevvie-kins' best friend?

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