Chapter.3 (Draco and hogwarts)

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As my eyes flitted around the area, I came to the stellar conclusion that Diagon Alley was amazing!

As me and Sevvie-kins walked along the cobble-stone path, I saw that there were many kids with their parents, and most of them had their noses pressed up against the glass, and their eyes fixed on a broom. I stopped looking at everyone else and focused.

"Where to first?" I asked, and I was barely keeping myself together.

"The bank, obviously," Sevvie-kins explained as we walked, "Gringotts; The Wizarding bank."

We walked into Gringotts and got in line behind a giant man, with a giant beard. The man glanced around nonchalantly and eventually his gaze fixed on me.

"Blimey! Ivy is that you?!" He exclaimed gleefully. I nodded, all chipper, although I was really confused as to who he was.

"Rubeus," Snape said, and showed no ounce of emotion whatsoever.

"Professor Snape! You takin' lil' Ivy 'ere to get 'er supplies?" Hagrid questioned.

Snape nodded, and clasped his slender hands behind his back. "I wish I could've done it, but I'm gettin' you know what for Professor Dumbledore," He explained vaguely, in a mysterious whisper.

Once we reached the very front of the line, we ended up going with Griphook the goblin to the vault Hagrid needed to go to, and mine as well.


Sevvie, Hagrid, Griphook and I clambered out of the fast-moving cart. That was, after it stopped outside my vault.

"Key?" Griphook beckoned harshly with his wrinkly fingers.

Sevvie-kins handed him the small key to my vault. Griphook opened a little door with a keyhole, and he put the key in, twisted it, and opened the vault. My jaw practically fell open, like those cartoons that Daphne always watched.

There were piles, mountains even, of Wizard money right before my eyes! Mountains of gold, silver, and bronze coins.

Sevvie-kins smirked at my dropped jaw probably because he knew I was expecting very little to be in there!

"There are 29 knuts to a sickle, and 19 sickles to a galleon. The knuts are bronze, the sickles are silver, and the galleon's are the gold ones." Sevvie explained, and I understood after a tiny bit of thinking.

We hopped back into the cart, and we travelled to the vault Hagrid needed. The ride, was so rickety, and fast-paced, that half of the time I felt like I would fall off. And I wouldn't want to do that, because miles and miles down, was just blackness.

"Vault 713," Griphook announced and hobbled out of the cart.

This time, instead of a key, the goblin scratched his long nail up against the door of the vault.

It opened wide, and inside, I couldn't see much but there was a small bag about the size of my fist. And I couldn't help but wonder what was in there?


After getting all the money I needed, Sev and I went to the Apothecary for potions supplies, Flourish and Blotts for my textbooks, and many others as well. But, as we were walking and my eyes darted from shop to shop, my gazed fixed on one in particular.

Ollivander's wand shop.

"Go buy a wand, I have an errand to run. I'll meet you in about 15 minutes." Sevvie told me then left to do whatever errand he had to go do.


As I walked through the door, a tiny bell jingled lightly, almost like wind. It seemed like the store was empty, but I had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't.

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