Chapter. 10 - Sev

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"Sevvie-kins? Seriously? You're joking right? Yeah, you must be joking." I muttered, disbelievingly.

"We're not joking Ivy! We saw him at the Quidditch game!" Pansy said intently.

"Pansy's right Ivy. I saw it too, his eyes never left your broom, and he was muttering under his breath." Mione persisted.

No. I couldn't believe it. Sevvy-kins wouldn't.

"No! Have you ever considered that it was a counter-jinx?! Anyways, why would he do that? We're tight!" I grumbled.

(A/N STARKID!!!!!)

"I'm sorry Ivy, but I think he was trying to kill you." Pansy informed me, and I walked to the girls dormitory angrily.

I laid down in my bed, silently debating what to do. Sevvie would never do that, but I can't just ignore what my friends were telling me!

Deciding to do a Gryffindor butt move, I marched down to the ol' Potion Master's office and went to ask him. For some reason, he couldn't seem to lie to me. My knuckles tapped against the wooden door, and it opened a moment later.

"Ah, Miss Potter. I never had the chance to congratulate you on catching the snitch." Sevvie-kins stated in a monotone.

"Thanks. But...I'm not here about that." I responded confidently.

"Then...what is it?" He enquired, punctuating every word.

"Did you jinx my broom?" I questioned, and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Now, Miss Potter, why would I do that?" He responded seriously, glaring at me.

"My friends supposedly saw you. I think it was a counter curse. So? Which was it?" I folded my arms, and continued stubbornly, "We could be here all night."

"No. I did not jinx your broom, Miss Potter. And I suggest you don't accuse me ever again." He threatened me slowly.

"Is that a threat?! You think I'm gonna buy this crap? No, Professor Snape, I know you would never hurt me. Or jinx my broom at that. I just want to know, why?! Why do you seem to care for me?! Why....Sev..." I trailed off, blinking back a couple tears.

His dark eyes seemed to soften a moment, when I call him Sev. He then walked over to me, and hugged me. I hugged him back, and I relaxed in his embrace.

"Sorry about that Sev. It's one has ever really cared about me. My Aunt, my Uncle, my Cousin.....and the fact that no one at my muggle school liked me, or that I wasn't allowed out of my cupboard most of the time....." I trailed off, whispering the last part.

"Did you just say...cupboard?" Sevvie-kins questioned, a hateful glare forming on his face.

"" I tried to cover up, and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Are you saying that the Dursley's made you sleep in a cupboard?" Sev hissed with fury.

"No?" I tried once more.

"Let's go Miss Potter, we are going to go talk to Professor Dumbledore about this." Sev muttered and we walked out of the dungeon to Dumbles office.

I asked once more, " didn't jinx my broom?


(A/N Sorry!!!!!!!! Soreeeeeee!!!!!! Short chappie I know, I know. But I have a new one pending.)

Ivy Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter FF) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now