this night needs to be perfect

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Hi! So, this is the last chapter of this story. There's a little bit of smut at the end, so feel free to skip it if you're not into that. Enjoy!


Hope quickly looks herself in the mirror of her car before stepping out. Her hair looks great, her make up is on point and her clothes are... okay. She let Penelope chose them and she's still not sure if she likes the look her best friend chose. She doesn't quite feel like herself with the jacket Penelope made her borrow. Hope gets out of her car and quickly opens the backseat door. There, she finds her leather jacket. Hope quickly takes Penelope's pink jacket off and puts her black leather jacket on. Now, she feels much better.

Hope walks to Josie's house and quickly knocks on the door. Caroline is the one to open the door.

"Hope! Oh sweet heart, you look so beautiful."

Hope can't help the flattered smile that plays on her lips. "Good evening Caroline. Thank you so much."

"Come on in! Josie's not quite ready yet."

Hope steps into the house and quietly follows Caroline to the living room.

"Should I go up or-"

"Absolutely not!" Caroline quickly says. "Lizzie might kill you if you do that. She told me to keep you downstairs if you came before she was done."

Hope gives out a little laugh. "Sounds like Lizzie."

"So, I've heard you planned quite the night for Josie." Caroline says with a soft smile.

Before Hope can reply, Alaric walks into the room.

He smiles. "Oh, Hope, it's good to see you."

"It's good to see you too Alaric." Hope replies with a genuine smile.

"Okay, now I need details about the date." Caroline cuts them off.

Hope chuckles, but a light blush covers her cheeks. "I got us a table at a very fancy restaurant. Then, we're gonna go to the concert and hopefully have a lot of fun. When it's gonna be done, I'll drive us back to my house and we'll spend the night together. Thank you for allowing Josie to sleep over at my place."

"Of course. The date sounds wonderful Hope." Caroline says.

"Your aunts are gonna be home tonight, right?" Alaric asks.

Hope's attention quickly goes to Josie's father. She knows where his mind went, and honestly she can't blame him. She thought about it too.

"Uh, no they won't be there. Keelin and Freya are both staying over at my uncle Kol's house in Canada for the week end." Alaric frowns, so Hope quickly tries to defend herself. "I told Caroline they wouldn't be there when I asked if Josie could stay the night. It's okay if you don't want her to, though. I'd understand."

"No, it's okay, we talked about it. Right Rick?" Caroline says with a soft glare.

He looks at her with wide eyes. "You never said they'd be unsupervised!"

"Alaric! They're both responsible teenagers. They deserve our trust. Plus, it's not like Hope could get Josie pregnant. And even if she could, I'd trust them to protect themselves."

Hope is mortified as she hears Caroline's words. Josie's parents totally thought they were gonna have sex tonight. Hell, she wasn't even sure they'd be having sex tonight!

"Uh, I-I don't t-think-" Hope blurts out.

"Oh my god, why is Hope a babbling mess?"

Hope quickly turns around to see her girlfriend walking in the living room. If her blush wasn't that bad before, it's really bad now. Josie is wearing a white long sleeved blouse with a collar. There's a cute little ribbon that serves as some kind of bow-tie, and it looks way too cute on Josie.

it's a date (the only problem is it's fake)Where stories live. Discover now