i feel the same

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As soon as the doorbell rings, Josie is out of her seat and running to the door. 12 minutes, Hope is 12 minutes late. When she opens the door, Josie lays eyes on her girlfriend and her whole heart warms up. Hope's hair is filled with snowflakes, and she looks like a character from one of those Hallmark romcoms.

"Hi Jo." Hope says with a smile that reaches her eyes.

"Hi." Is all Josie manages to get out.

The brunette moves out of the way so Hope could get inside the house. Hope quickly does, but when she's in the house, they stand together a bit awkwardly. Then Hope hands Josie the gift she was holding.

"That's for you. I mean, it's your Christmas gift, from me, I- I chose it myself. I hope you'll like it."

Josie's eyes soften, then she puts the gift on a little table nearby before going back to Hope.

"You should really take your coat and boots off. This way I'll be able to give you a hug and a kiss."

Hope frowns, nods and quickly gets to work. Her winter coat and boots are off in record time, and soon she's stepping away from near the door and closer to Josie. The brunette frowns and giggles a little when she notices Hope's sweater. The red and green sweater has a badly knit M on it. Hope is quick to follow Josie's eyes, and she giggles too.

"Aunt Davina took a knitting class, she made one for everyone and, you know, we love her so..."

"It's cute."

"No, but thanks for saying that." Hope gets even closer than before, and then she pulls Josie in a tight hug. "I missed you."

Josie quickly reciprocates the hug. "I missed you too."

"This is ridiculous, we saw each other three days ago." Hope says before burying her face in Josie's neck.

"That's a long time." Josie says back.


It takes a moment for them to pull apart, but when they do, it's only to bring their lips together. Hope's kisses have a tendency to make Josie a little dizzy, but she always wants more of them. The brunette is pleasantly surprised when Hope's tongue is asking for entrance, but she's quick to allow it. The passionate kiss turns alot more exploratory then, it's slower and Josie is more than okay with it. When they pull apart this time it's because of the lack of air in their lungs. As soon as she opens her eyes, Josie notices the blush covering her girlfriend's cheeks. The sight brings a soft smile to Josie's lips.

"Wow." Hope lets out.

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