cuddles are a good way to ease a broken heart

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Hope takes her time to lace her shoelaces. She's the last one in the locker room, and she likes it like that. She loves to be alone with her excitement before a game. Playing against Cornwall would be easy, they had one of the worst team in the whole state. Still, Hope feels the pre-game excitement fill her. She loves volleyball, always had. What's even better, is that she's good at it. No one could deny that, not even Dana or Lizzie.

As Hope gets up and walks to the door and straight into the gym, she feels the confidence wash over her. She walks confidently to where her team mates are all gathered. Her steps slow down when she meets some familiar brown eyes in the crowd. Josie Saltzman, her fake girlfriend, is sitting onto the bleachers next to Penelope. For some reason, a warm feeling invades Hope and she finds herself giving a smile and an awkward wave to Josie. The younger girl smiles widely and gives her an excited wave.

"Mikaelson! You can go back to awkward flirting once you've won this game, understood?" The coach yells at Hope.

It's loud enough that everyone hears it in the gym, and it makes Hope blush hard. From the corner of her eyes, she sees Josie giggles. She wishes she could have heard it, the auburn haired girl is sure it sounds beautiful. Hope quickly shakes her head and tries to tune in to what the coach is telling the team. Once that's over, it's time to play. They take their place, and Hope can practically feel the uneasiness of the other team. She smirks as she makes eye contact with her team mates.

The game ends in favor of Hope's team. They totally crushed the other team, and Hope is on cloud 9. She's one of the first girl to get out of the locker room, and she walks with her head held high.

"Oh don't be so smug, everyone knows you're good." Penelope says with a smirk.

Hope smiles and lets her friend hug her. It's brief, just like every time they hugged in public. Then she sees Josie standing behind Penelope, and Hope only hesitates for a split second before she's hugging the younger girl. Josie's embrace is soft, yet tight.

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming!" Hope says when they pull apart.

Josie smiles. "Well when you mentionned the game last night, I got the idea to surprise you. Is that okay?"

"It's perfect, I'm happy you're here."

"Hope!" Dana calls out from behind Hope. "Care to introduce me to your new girlfriend?"

Hope frowns but obliges. "Dana, that's Josie. Josie, that's my team mate Dana."

"It's so nice to meet you." Dana says with the fakest smile ever.

"Likewise." Josie answers with a much more genuine smile.

"Babe!" Dana calls out. Hope, Josie and Penelope follow Dana's eyes and are met with the sight of a very awkward looking Landon. "Come and meet Hope's new girlfriend."

Landon walks up to them and gives a smile to Hope. When he feels Penelope's glare, he looks down, and only looks up to look at Josie. The brunette holds his gaze, unwilling to let him intimidate her.

"Hey, I'm Josie."

"Landon." He simply answers.

Dana bumps Landon's shoulder. "Isn't she lovely? Perfect for Hope."

He shrugs. "I guess."

"I think it was fate, really. Me getting with Landon, and you getting with Hope. All the stars aligned." Dana says to Josie.

Josie snorts. "That's one way to put it."

"We have to go, let's go Jo." Hope says.

Before taking a step, Hope gently takes Josie's hand into hers. Their eyes meet and they start walking, not waiting for anyone to say anything else. Hope feels good as she walks away, her hand firmly holding Josie's. The brunette had been amazing as she faced her ex and his new girlfriend. She, on the other hand, had been a complete mess. Words were stuck in her throat and she wanted to run. But Josie had held her head high, and it made Hope proud.

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