you're very special

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Sleep is still clouding Josie's eyes as she watches Hope's back. They fell asleep cuddling, and somehow during the night, they drifted apart. Hope's auburn hair is everywhere, and Josie's tempted to reach out and play with it. She was so in love with this girl, she couldn't deny it anymore. There was no going back now, either she would have the greatest love story of all time, or she'd end up with the worst case of heartbreak. Josie sighs, and decides that it's not worth thinking about that. Hope loved her, she told her on their first day here and made it very clear. So the brunette decides to get closer to her girlfriend. She inches closer until her front is pressed to Hope's back, then she drapes her arm around Hope's waist. As soon as she's done, Hope lets out a sigh and turns around. For a second, Josie thinks Hope is awake, but the Mikaelson girl is still very much asleep. Still holding Hope, Josie now gets to look at her girlfriend's face. Hope looks very peaceful in her sleep, free of burdens, free of sadness. After a minute or two of staring at Hope, Josie suddenly thinks that maybe she's being weird. She decides to gently shake Hope to try and wake her up. After a couple of seconds, Hope is still not waking up. 

"Hope… Babe, come on, wake up." Josie whispers.

Hope's eyes flutter open, just to close again. "Why are you waking me up?" 

"Because watching you sleeping is starting to get creepy."

Hope's eyes open. "You watched me sleep?" 

"Well, I got closer to you and I wanted to hold you, but then you turned around. I was still holding you, so, yeah, I kinda stared for a minute or two." Hope is barely holding her laughter in. "Oh don't you dare! I know it's weird, but your face is really nice to look at."

Hope can't take it anymore and breaks out laughing. Josie fakes being offended for a couples of seconds, only to join in after. When their laughter dies out, Hope's face gets serious, yet there's a small smile on her face.

"I love waking up with you." The Mikaelson girl says. "You look so beautiful with your messed up hair and the imprint of the pillow on your cheek."

At first Josie's heart is melting with how charming Hope is being, and then the last part makes her roll her eyes. She reaches for the pillow that was under her head and uses it to hit Hope in the head. 

"You're such an asshole Mikaelson!"

Hope starts laughing again, and she has to hold her stomach because she's laughing too hard.

"You love me anyway, so why should I change?" Hope says as soon her laughter allows her to.

Josie shakes her head with a soft smile. "I don't want you to change. You're not perfect, but you're perfect for me."

Hope's face grows a little more serious, she leans in and kisses Josie. "I love you." She reaches out to take Josie's hand and strokes her knuckles with her thumb. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of telling you how much I love you."

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