you guys are gross

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For almost two weeks, Josie and Hope barely saw each other. After their defeat, Hope's team got two more practices per week, and with the winter break approaching, Josie got more orchestra practices too. Plus, the end of the semester meant lots of homework and study sessions to pass the exams. During those two weeks, they exchanged texts, called each other, and even facetimed. They achieved to have one (very tense) movie night with MG and Lizzie. But now Hope has to admit she misses the brunette. She misses Josie's beautiful smile, her laugh, her touch, her kisses... Those two weeks made something clear though, Hope now realizes just how much she cares about Josie. She can't help but think about their last kiss, the one they shared at that Halloween party. Hope can almost still feel how great it had been. She was falling hard for Josie Saltzman. That was the reason why Hope was standing in line in the freezing air of November to get tickets for a show of 'Of Monsters and Men'.

"I can't believe you forced me to come with you. I'm fucking freezing Mikaelson. It'll be your fault if I get pneumonia."

Hope glares at her. "We're doing it for Josie."

"She's your girlfriend, not mine!" Penelope almost roars.

Hope smirks teasingly. "Talking of girlfriends, how's yours?"

There's suddenly a blush covering Penelope's cheeks, and Hope is sure it has nothing to do with the cold air.

"Amanda's great."

Hope rolls her eyes. "Come on! Tell me more, I've barely seen you since you two made it official. Are you like... in love?"

Penelope glares at Hope. "I don't know Hope, are you?"

Hope lifts her hands in the air in defeat. "Fine, I get it. Just know that if you need to talk, I'm here. I kinda miss you P."

Penelope smiles and bumps Hope's elbow with her own. "I miss you too."

"Hello ladies, what can I do for you today?"

Penelope and Hope immediately turn around, they hadn't even realized they had gotten at the front of the line.

"Finally..." Penelope mutters.

At the same time Hope speaks up. "Hi sir, I'd like to get two tickets for the 'Of Monsters and Men' show, please."

"Sure thing!"

The man prepares the tickets, Hope pays him and the two girls quickly get back to Hope's car. Hope starts the engine and quickly turns the heat on. As sonn as the warm air fills the car, both girls sigh in relief.

"So, what are we doing now?" Penelope asks.

"We are not doing anything. I'm dropping you off to your house, and then I'm gonna go to Josie's house in hopes to spend a good five minutes with her before her dad kicks me out."

Penelope's mouth opens in shock. "I can't believe you forced me to stand in line in the freezing cold, only to drop me off at my house after. You're evil Mikaelson."

Hope smirks at Penelope. "At least we spent some time together Park. Stop being so whiny about it."


Josie groans as she tries to solve another math problem from her sheet. She hated the end of semesters. Her father refused to let them have any fun that isn't in relation with school. So the only time she gets to spend outside her house is when she's at orchestra practice. Josie's mind drifts to the week before, when Hope was allowed to come to a movie night. Josie's not sure if they had subcontiously did it, but they had cuddled a lot. She could still remember how at one point her head ended up on Hope's lap and the older girl played with her hair for the remaining of the movies. After the night of the Halloween party, Josie started to have doubts about what was happening between Hope and her. Maybe the older girl had actual feelings for her. She just wished they could have some time alone to talk about what happened that night.

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