please, just let me in

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From Penelope:

Look, I know which week it is, and I know you won't answer this. Just promise me to call Josie. Don't shut her out. Tell her what's happening, or don't. Just call her Hope.

I love you btw...

Hope reads the messages again and again. They've been sent two hours ago. Even if it's noon, on a Monday, Hope is still under the covers of her bed. Her eyes are red and puffy, a clear sign that she cried herself to sleep, only to wake up and cry again. She knows she should call Josie, but she just can't bring herself to do so. After reading Penelope's messages for another time, Hope puts her phone on her nightstand. She brings her knees to her chest and hugs them thight as new tears start falling on her cheeks.

"You're such a coward." Hope tells herself through a sob.


"We should all go bowling on Saturday." Lizzie suggest with a wide smile at lunch. At Josie and MG's side glance, Lizzie rolls her eyes. "Come on! It'll help us bond again. Our trio is not what it used to be."

Josie shrugs. "Okay, but I want Hope to come. And, I want her to invite her friends too."

Lizzie whines. "Jo..."

"It's the only thing I'm asking for. Accept or not, but it's the only thing that'll make me come."

"It's fine then!" MG smiles widely. "At least we'll spend some time together."

Josie gives them a smile and nods. She gets her phone from the pocket of her jacket and quickly sends a text to Hope.

To Hope:

Lizzie, MG and I are going bowling on Saturday. Wanna come? You can invite Penelope and Amanda too :)

Josie puts the phone on the table, focusing on the new conversation her sister started while she was texting Hope. Minutes pass and she doesn't receive a reply from Hope. She tries to listen to Lizzie, but she can't help but sneak a glance at her phone every two minutes. Hope would have usually answered by now. Even after their accidental kiss of the other night, Hope hadn't ignored her. As Josie makes her way to her class after lunch, she gets the feeling that maybe something's wrong.


Josie has a hard time waking up when she hears her phone ring. She opens her eyes, thinking for a moment that she's still in a dream, but when the ring starts again, she understands she's awake. She quickly opens the light on her nightstand. For a moment she's worried about waking Lizzie up, but the blonde is sleeping so deeply that she's snoring. So Josie takes her phone, and immediately frowns when she sees Hope is calling her. Worry settles quickly, so she answers the call.


"I woke you up, didn't I?" Hope's voice is small, almost sounds broken.

Josie sits up straighter on her bed. "Don't worry about that. What's wrong?"

"I... nothing."

"Hope, you're calling me at two in the morning, it can't be for nothing." Josie softly tries.

"I... I can't talk about it. I just... I can't. Please don't force me." Hope sounds like she's on the verge of tears, and it breaks Josie's heart.

"It's okay, you don't have to talk. I didn't mean to be pushy." Josie bites her lip, unsure about what she should do. "Tell me what I can do."

"Can you just... talk? Your voice, it's soothing."

Josie softens at Hope's hesitant request. "Do you wanna hear one of my favorite childhood memories?"

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