MR. CEO 29

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Stopping at the familiar parking, he removed his seatbelt. He's planning on taking Jennie out for today when she finishes her shift. You know, bonding time. Hehe.

He was about to open his car door when he saw something that made his heart aches. The smile on his lips dropped.

He and her.

Taehyung was inside the café with Jennie. They were seated and it seems like they were having fun.

He can see from his position how big her smile was while telling something on Taehyung, how her eyes beamed from excitement. How much he wishes he was the man who can make her smile like that.

He smile bitterly as a single tear fell from his eyes but he quickly wipe it away. His plan backfired. He changed his mind. He won't come today as he doesn't want to deal with Taehyung, they will just fight anyway and that will make Jennie hate him even more.

Taehyung preceded him again. He rested his head on the steering wheel as he closed his eyes, calming down himself. But he can't help but feel mad and jealous. Too much jealously. He sometimes hates the fact that he's so possessive, it hurts his own feeling because he can't do anything.

He felt himself run out of energy, he have no willpower to continue this day. He just wants to lock himself into his room and get drunk but he can't. He's managing a goddamn company for fucks sake.

He tiredly sighed before putting back his seatbelt and driving back to the company. He will just see her tomorrow where he has no rival for her attention.

"How much I hate it but I need to go now, Jen," Taehyung spoke after he glance at his wristwatch.

"Oh? Okay. Maybe next time?" she smiled as put some strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah. But I will be gone for a week," he said in a sad tone. Jennie furrowed her brows.

"Why?" she asked curiously as she stared back at his brown locks.

"Well I need to go back to Daegu as I need to fix some things," he answered as he just stared at her. Trying to find some sadness or disappointment on her face but he saw none. He smiled bitterly.

"Well then, take care." she smiled before standing up and cleaning their table.

Once the guy was gone, she stood at the counter staring at the door. She was tapping her fingers as she wait patiently. It's been two hours but still no signs of a pink-haired guy.

It's not like she's waiting for him to come, not really! She's not expecting him to come at all!

Well, she's just...curious as to why he was late or won't come today. He's always early. But again! She's not expecting him to visit!

He's a goddamn CEO, Jennie! For sure he will be busy!

She shakes her head. He's busy for sure. She shouldn't expect him to come here every day as he has many duties to do to his loving company. That's so important to him, even more, important than her.

She smiled bitterly. The company is more important for him, he chooses that over you, right?

"Like I care? It's better when he's not around."

Convincing herself, she busies herself cleaning the things she sees. She wants to be distracted because if not she will just end up thinking useless things. Like him. Useless.

And like that her day ended up. Without him and his presence.

"One Caffè macchiato."

MR. CEO (PJM)                                                COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now