MR. CEO 11

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"You're the one who's hurting me."

"I'm sorry. I'm hurting too."

He should be happy, right? He should be enjoying this...but he's feeling the opposite. He succeeds in hurting her but why does it hurt so much?

He was about to hug her when the elevator door opens indicating that they have reached the floor.

He gently took hold of her wrist and bring her to his office. Once they were inside, "Stay there." he told Jennie and leave her at the doorway, she got confused as to why he didn't let her come in but stayed silent anyways.

She just watched him walk towards his table to get his wallet, phone, and keys before walking back at her, taking a good grip on her wrist once again before pulling her again towards the elevator.

She furrowed her eyebrows. Where are they going? Work hours weren't finished, she have a lot to do.

Once inside she dared to ask him, "Where are we going?" she asked not minding if he's still holding her hand now.

"To my house." he simply answered, giving her a glance seeing her confused face.

"But we have a lot of things to do! Who will be in charge here? You'll still have a-"

"Just stop worrying," he said as the elevator door open, they went to the parking and let her in.

She hesitate at first but she just follows as she felt guilty causing him trouble today. He started the engine as she looked outside his window. She suddenly remembers what happened earlier, she sighs as her eyes sting once again. She cutely shook her head, which was noticed by Jimin, to stop her thinking about it. She just rested her head in the headboard until she eventually fell asleep.

"Hey, we're here." she heard as she felt that someone gently pat her cheeks making her groan a little before opening her eyes slowly.

She opened her eyes, slowly widening when she saw how Jimin's face was too close to her. "Ah!" she bump her head to Jimin making them both let out a groan.

"Why did you do that?" he massage his head as it hurt a bit. He look at her which was now cutely glaring at him. He scoffed.

"It's your fault! Your face was too close!" she let out a 'hmp' before putting her arms over her chest, luckily he stop himself from pinching her cheeks.

"Whatever. We're here." he went out of his car followed by her. Once inside, they head to his room.

"I'll just take a quick shower," he said before entering his bathroom, leaving Jennie.

She opened his TV and look for a kit to aid his hands, she immediately found it as she already know every path of this house. She sat in his bed and watch while waiting for him.

Out of nowhere, she smiled. She suddenly feel giddy as Jimin seemed to be so gentle with her and she can't help but feel so fluttered. She chuckle a bit and was about to reach for her phone when she felt that her arms were a bit sore but not really that much.

Jimin went out of the bathroom and Jennie felt a bit disappointed as he was already wearing a black shirt. She expected him to be nake-shirtless again.

Once his eyes landed on her, he felt his heart do some summersaults, he sat in the bed and open the kit to aid his wound but Jennie snatch it from him.

"Let me." she smiled sweetly when he glared at her.

She gently hold his hand and caress it a bit, putting some alcohol on the cotton, she gently wiped it around his knuckles. He didn't even flinch as his eyes were fixed on her, she felt his stare so she wiped his knuckles a little harder making him wince but she immediately blows it, chuckling.

MR. CEO (PJM)                                                COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now