Chapter 14

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Pride: I am shooketh. We can't come here. We're too famous, I can't go here anymore.

WARNING: This chapter has gore. Reader discretion is advised.


Wrath was right when he said Virago could get emotional when drunk. She fucking cried about four times I think. After kissing her forehead again, I found Wrath waiting outside. He leaned against the wall, folding his arms.

"Are we going back there?" he asked.

I nodded once.

He followed me to my chamber. When I found Virago in there I almost fell to my knees. I expected her to ask me what the fuck was wrong with me. I expected her to forbid Wrath from helping me, but she still gave me that sweet smile of hers. She still smiled in the middle of a place full of gore and despair. Her smile was the light to all of my dark places. What she said to my prisoners, that made my love for her skyrocket into another fucking universe.

As we walked into my chamber, the Angels we caught submerged under a blanket of fear once they saw Wrath. Jeremiah and Beliora whimpered. Wrath smirked, eyes glowing red as he fed off of their fear. He was the one who inverted  Beliora's ribs. How he did it? I have no fucking clue, but I'm a proud father.

I'll have to ask him how one day.

"Now let me get one thing straight," I growled, my true form morphing into view. "If you don't give me any information on Michael, me and my son here will continue having our fun."

Beliora gargled up a response. "You can torture us all you want, Lucifer. Our loyalty will lie with Michael till the very end."

I punched his ribcage. His scream echoed throughout the rest of the chamber. "You remain loyal to an Angel who kills a Human for sport?!"

"She was a Witch!"

"She was still an innocent Human!"

"Ha! She was no innocent Human, she was a whore who spread her legs for an Angel!"

Wrath rumbled up a growl, taking a murderous step forward. Beliora gasped, turning his head away from Wrath. Fucking piece of shit speaks all high and mighty but gets all cowardly when my son does a minor thing. Pathetic.

"Not yet, Wrath," I muttered.

He snarled and leaned back against the wall, kicking Jax's dead body. I'll let him go wild when I need him to. For now, I want to play with them a bit.

Gripping one of the Angels ribs, I ripped one out. His howls of pain filled the chamber, spreading a smile across my face. Oh, how amazing it felt to inflict pain. The sounds of his wonderful screams filled me up with joy similar to the way I feel when I'm with Virago.

"Why...why are you doing this?" Jeremiah asked.

"Why?" I laughed. "What a ridiculous question."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me! Why, you ask?" Wrath sneered. He pulled a switchblade from his pocket, twirling it in his fingers. Snapping his arm forward, the blade flew across the chamber and pierced Jeremiah above his private region. "Because we can!"

Another piercing scream filled the room. Blood dripped down Jeremiah's legs. The fun thing about this was that they couldn't die unless I rip their hearts out.

I ruffled Wrath's hair, ignoring his scowl aiming towards me. "That and also because I want answers."

Stepping back, I pointed at the Angels. "I recognize your faces you know. You were both there the day God banished me. I was excommunicated and no longer considered as one of you. I became Fallen yet you all decided that I still had to follow the rules of the Angels? Why would Michael kill my woman when I no longer had to follow the responsibilities of an Angel anymore?"

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