Chapter 44

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*Greed messing with Envy*

Greed: Hey, Envy, what does I D C stand for?

Envy: I don't care

Greed: Well, I care so can you tell me?

Envy: I don't care! I don't care!

Greed: I'm telling Mama since you don't wanna tell


The next day I was in full calm panic mode. This was the calm before the storm kind of panic. Like when you know you have an assignment due at midnight but you haven't touched it at all. You're so used to the stress that you don't even let it control you anymore. That kind of panic.

My period tracker must be glitching, that's all. I mean, well, maybe I also didn't log in my last period? That could be another possibility. The tracker was supposed to remind me, damn it. I hate my phone sometimes. I never get the important notifications I need.

Opening up the period tracker, I checked last month's data.

My hand shook.

I did log in my last period from beginning to end.

No. No! My head felt numb. I took a seat on the couch, eyes widening at my phone's screen.

It couldn't be Michael's.

Shaking my head, I gasped into my hand. I don't remember how he forced himself on me. It can't be his, I don't want it to be his!

Scrolling through the calendar app, I tried to remember the day I was taken. I was gone for two weeks. But none of the days rang a bell. How the hell was I supposed to figure this out?

Running upstairs, I barged into my room. I needed something, anything that could tell me what I did each day before and after I was abducted by Michael. I checked my phone again, but I barely used it when Michael was on the loose.

Rummaging through my drawers, I threw my clothes out, searching for a picture or a receipt, just something with a damn date on it.

After finding nothing, I stuffed my clothes back inside. Next, I went to Lucifer's study. I checked his drawers but nothing helped until I opened the very last one.

Cali's photo album was the only thing in it. Snatching it out, I flipped to the first page.

Slumping to my knees, I let out a sigh of relief. Finally, a date. She wrote down the day I was taken above her little note.

Opening up my phone again, I marked the same day in the calendar and then two weeks after that. Then I went back to my period tracker.

Please, please be after he had me. If I had my period before he took me, it's over.

My heart leaped with joy once I scrolled up to last month. I let out a slow, shaking breath as euphoria spread all over my body.

My last period came after my horrible time with Michael.

Clutching the album to my chest, I sighed, "Thank you, Cali."

Standing up, I texted Lucifer that I'll be visiting my parents. He responded quickly, telling me to be safe.

Ha! Safe. We didn't have safe sex at all. I trusted Lucifer to pull out back in my past and look where that got me. Now, here I am, having another pregnancy scare because I kept relying on him pulling out.

Don't consider me as a role model, kids, because I'm definitely not.

I wasn't going to see my parents at all. No, sir-y. I'm gonna get myself five pregnancy tests if I have to.

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