Chapter 6

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Kid Wrath: I love how people are telling me I'm two, nine years old. I'm eleven so shut the fuck up!


The pounding at my door forced me out of my slumber. Crawling out of bed, I slipped on my fuzzy slippers. It was fucking late! Why must my brothers do this to me? I know it had to be one of them. Mother knocks softly and Father's knocking is quick and direct. Once I opened my door, Lust grinned and pushed into me.

"If you answered any slower, I would've thought you and Sloth changed rooms."

I yawned, rubbing my eyes. "What do you want?"

He looked at himself in my mirror. "You felt it, didn't you?"

"Felt what?"

"I'm sure Cain felt some type of jealousy during dinner tonight."

I stiffened. So it wasn't just my imagination. Ever since Cain arrived, there was a spark of jealousy every time he glanced at Mother and Father. "He was lusting for Mother as well?"

"Not entirely," Lust said. "He tried to control it. But I don't know how long it lasted. He left my range."

"Our distance thing?"


Lust could only feel sexual energy if it's within twenty feet away from him. It's the same for all of us. Pride says he could feel his sin from miles away but we all know that's just to boost up his dumb ego.

I sat on my bed. Shit. Cain was definitely jealous of Father then. I didn't want to believe it tonight. Throughout my lifetime, I noticed my sin causes insane damage. Envy...ew it feels strange saying my own name. Jealousy could either cause death or destruction. Mostly both. I've seen it destroy not just the Humans, but other beings too. So Cain better fucking stop this BS.

"We should tell Father," I said, standing up.


"Why not?"

"Cain has been buds with Father for centuries, Envy."

"Yeah, and? Fuck that!"

"Listen, young grasshopper." He slung his arm over my shoulders. "We have to give Cain some time. If he gets rid of the shit he's feeling then we gotta keep this between us."

"And if he doesn't?"

Lust shrugged. "Well, I hate to say it, but bye-bye Uncle Cain."


The morning after, I woke up to Lucifer kissing my cheeks and forehead. Sighing, I snuggled deeper in his warm embrace. He smiled, running his fingers through my hair. Every time he touches me, the same way he used to touch me before I died many years ago, it always felt new. It was odd in a way, like my body never felt it before because technically this is my new body? If that makes sense.

Last night didn't turn out the way I expected, but that's okay. There's going to be more nights with Lucifer for all eternity anyway. The weird thing that happened to me still freaked me out but I'm sure Lucifer will get to that as soon as he can.

"What time is it?" I asked groggily.

"It's nine."

Stretching my limbs, I let out a soft moan. "So we can stay in bed longer."

"Sure." Lucifer chuckled, running his hand up and down my back. "You look lovely."

"With crust in the corner of my eyes, messy hair, and morning breath?" I asked. "Yeah, I definitely look lovely."

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