Chapter 11

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Lucifer: Say, "Hey, vine!"

Kid Pride: Hey, vine!

Kid Wrath: Fuck vine, bitch!


When a woman tries to get between a couple who are madly in love, they believe they have a chance. Lyria has been with us for a week and I only caught her sending Lucifer glances that I find non-platonic.

My patience was running thin. Wrath helped get my anger out with training and I sometimes wished the punching bag was Lyria's face. I don't know if that was truly how I felt or if it was Wrath feeding my anger so I could give my all during training. Most likely the latter since I gave him permission to do so. It's increasing my progress so I wouldn't be surprised.

Wrath and Lucifer have been taking turns in training me. Lucifer's turn was almost up and while I waited, I'm reading a book with Wrath next to me texting.

"So any girlfriends I should know about?"

Wrath looked up from his phone. "Nah, I ain't looking for love right now."

Was this a thing with my kids now?

"I know I'm only twenty," I said, placing my bookmark between the pages. "But I really want grandkids, Wrath."


"Hey, I'm just saying! I can already imagine baby Wraths playing and running around in here."

Wrath sighed, placing his phone on the couch and folded his hands behind his head. "What if I'm not a good father?"

"Your father said the same thing the first time I told him I was pregnant."

Wrath chuckled. "How did he react when Pride was born?"

"He cried."

"He what?!"

"Yeah," I said, laughing with him. "Anyway, I think you'd be a great father."

"How so?"

"You're wrath personified. You'd be the perfect father because I know you'll always take care of your family from danger. Like Lucifer."

He raised his eyebrow with interest. "Hm...I guess you're right."

"If someone was bullying your little girl in school, what would you do?"

"Kill them."

"No." I giggled. "No. You have to strike fear in the kid who was messing with her. Make them regret even looking her way."

"Yeah." He grinned. "That sounds more fun."

We both shared a chuckle. Wrath may not see it but he has so much potential. He'd be a great dad and husband. I can totally see it.

As we talked about our day, Lucifer walked in with sweatpants.

Just sweatpants.

"Virago, come on." He grabbed my hands and pulled me off the couch. "Your training isn't gonna finish itself."

Hehe, it's not gonna be done since you're dressed like that.

Thank goodness I didn't say that out loud. Doesn't he know how amazing those sweatpants look on him?

"Can me and the boys watch?" asked Wrath.

Training first, sex with the Devil later.

I motioned for Wrath to follow us. "Of course, sweetie."

We've been doing my training in the castle's ballroom. Lucifer emptied the entire room and brought gym equipment in here. I trained in his gym once and couldn't control my powers so I almost tore the entire place down. Wrath texted the boys and they all arrived in the room with their own chairs and snacks. They sat by the long windows at the left of the room. Sloth laid on the floor as usual.

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