Chapter 41

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Virago and Jazmine in their Senior year in high school:

Teacher:  Okay, senior trip, where do you guys wanna go? :D

Jazmine: The Bahamas! :D

Teacher: I don't know about that...

Virago: Let's go to Hell :)

Teacher: ...

Teacher: No


So I decided to live in Hell most of the time. Since Lucifer works the most from there, I think it would be best to just live in his castle. And whenever I want to hang out with my friends, I just have to go back to Earth. Lucifer taught me how the portals work so it was all pretty easy. He made the portals recognize who I was so that was cool.

Walking into the kitchen, I found one of Lucifer's Demons washing the dishes. She had a buzzcut and three eyebrow piercings.

"Good morning, Your Highness," she said with a smile. "Just washing the dishes left over from last night."

"You can leave them to me," I said. "I got nothing else to do right now."

Without protests or questions, she bowed, dried her hands, and left the kitchen. So I got to work. The Demons have more important stuff to do so I really don't mind taking care of what's inside the castle. Besides, this mess was also created by me, I might as well clean up what I did. I've been eating a lot recently.

As I placed the last plate to dry, Lucifer walked into the kitchen, reaching into the refrigerator.

"Did I miss anything?" he asked, taking out some water.

"Not much." I dried my hands. "We should really get a dishwasher in the castle. By the way, you got blood on your chin, babe."

Lucifer took a tissue and wiped it off.

"I enrolled Envy in college with the help of one of your Demon friends," I said with a smile, wrapping my arms around him. "He starts in the fall with me."

"Where's he going to school?"

"My school. I was expecting him to feel weird about attending with me but he wasn't at all."

Lucifer chuckled, tossing the paper towel in the trash. "Of course he wasn't."

Looking up, I placed my chin on his chest. "Can I...Can I see him? And Kristie?"

It's been a bit over a month now since I last saw Michael. He's been getting tortured by Lucifer for a while and I wanna see what I could do, too. Lucifer did promise me after all.

"You sure you want to see?" Lucifer asked. "This chamber is uh...more gruesome than the one you saw before."

Nodding, the surge of excitement shot up my bones. I can't wait to have some fun! Wow, I never felt so excited about torturing someone before.

Lucifer brought me down the same stairwell I descended all those weeks ago. We reached the large doors but this time, we entered one of the doors I never opened. We walked down a hall, down another large flight of stairs, and through a large, narrow tunnel. I don't think we were even under the castle anymore. Eventually, we reached another door. We entered it and on each side were a row of doors. Names of horrible people from history were placed on top of their own rooms of torture. This must be where he kept the most horrible souls.

The first door we entered had no name on top. Lucifer opened the door with an ancient looking key and as he pushed it open, my lips curled up into a smile.

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