18 : Utau Revolution

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Chapter 25
Utau Revolution

(My OCs can wake up at ungodly hours while here I am during weekends sleeping til 1 in the afternoon)


Today's the day....

I did my usual routine. Wash my face, take a bath, and everything else that involves hygiene. I'm gonna have to reveal everything today and time is against me.

I changed into a gray hoodie and shorts and went back to my bed, covering myself up with my blanket. It was still dark and I can't go back to sleep anymore. I wanna go home...

"Mama..... Papa...." I rubbed my eyes and tightly held on to my blanket "I can't sleep.... It's dark in my room" I said in between sobs

Mama carried me and placed me in between them on the bed "Well that's not good, isn't it?" Mama looked at papa who nodded in return "Saya-chan, why don't you sleep here with us.." Papa fluffed the pillow and placed it in the middle of their pillows "That way, we can protect you from the monsters in the dark" I smiled at them and hugged my blanket "Hai....." I nuzzled my nose in the new pillow and slept peacefully

I smiled at the memory and carefully walked towards my closet. I used my phone as a source of light and rummaged the whole place until I found what I was looking for

I dragged the blanket to my bed and covered my body, hugging my knees afterwards. "I haven't used you in a long time huh..." I muttered "I remember when I kept talking to you... And telling you to protect me" I trailed off. I nuzzled my nose in my blanket "It's so warm...."

BANG. (These sound effects tho lol it destroys the mood of my story xD or maybe it's my A/Ns' fault =u=)

A banging sound emitted from the bathroom and it immediately made me shudder "K-Kurusu... Shinomiya...." I murmured in a shaky breath "Stop scaring me!!" I said in a half shout- half whisper manner. I covered my whole body with my blanket and closed my eyes


"Mph..." I shut my eyes as tight as I could, not wanting to open them until I see the rays of the sun. Tears slowly rolled down my cheek and I hugged my knees tighter


"HYAAAAAAA!!!!!! KURUSU-SAN TASUKETEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" I shot up and hit my head on something hard. I rubbed the aching spot and saw all the lights turn on

"S-Sayaka?" Kurusu-san's eyes widened when he saw my bloodshot eyes "what happened?!"

"There was a monster in the room a while ago...." I muttered

"M-Monster?" He gave me a sheepish look and pointed behind me. There I saw Ai rubbing his chin. He placed his hand on my head and made me turn back to my bed "Who were you talking to a while ago?"

I blushed as I remembered and lied back down "I-it was no one" he flicked my forehead and looked at me straight in the eyes "You blush when you lie" I backed my head away a little "I'm asking the wrong question. What were you talking to?" I completely looked away and hugged my blanket

He sighed and walked towards the front door "It doesn't matter anymore. You'll have to get up in any case. Look at the time" he pointed to our wall clock and disappeared. He has a point... It's almost 5 anyway.

"S-Strict...." I muttered while shivering a little. Kurusu-san walked towards my bed and gave me a pat on my back

"But seriously though, who were you talking to? Even Natsuki and I heard it." I gulped and blushed in embarrassment while looking at Natsuki who was sitting on his side of the bunk

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