13 : I don't like him anymore

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Chapter 19

I don't like him anymore


Sayaka's POV

I just kept rolling around my bed. I just couldn't sleep at all. My brain was running a marathon and I don't think it intends to stop. I stood up and looked at the opposite end of my room which was Ai's side. I walked towards his bed and checked, he wasn't there...

"Where is he.."

I opened the door to our room and left. I planned to go to the ocean since that's where my mind clears up the most. As I was passing each hall, I could hear the snoring of the others.

I had a tiny idea and slowly went back to where I came from. I looked at the door near our room. It had the words Kurosaki Ranmaru engraved on it. I heaved a sigh and slowly opened it (do not ask why there are no locks pls I'm dying)


I entered the room and found him sleeping peacefully and quietly. No, wait, I take that back, he's snoring...

I crept to the window to check on the cats we took care of earlier. While doing so, I saw a silhouette of a person under a large tree


I leaned outside the window for a closer look

"It is Ai...."

I quietly left the room and went outside to where he was. For some god damned amazing reason, he sensed my presence immediately

"What are you doing here?"

he asked, not bothering to turn around from what he was doing

"I think I should be the one asking that..."

I slowly walked towards him to check what he was doing.

I was surprised to see him tending one of the kittens Ranmaru and I fed a while ago.

"What happened to it?"

I knelt down to hold the cat which licked my hand in return

"You haven't even answered my question as to why you're here, remember, I'm still superior to you, I only allowed you to call me by my name."

He was already packing up the bandages in the first aid kit with the kitten in my arms

I heaved a sigh and looked down

"I-I was just worried. Ever since I left the dining area, you didn't show up in the room even once..."

I could tell I was blushing. I placed the kitten with the injured paw on the grass and it quickly ran away.

Ai sighed and stood up. He offered me a hand which I accepted

"It fell down the tree. Just so happened that I saw it. And you're wrong. I entered the room once when you covered your whole body with your blanket and rolled around"

He still had no emotion at all


he locked his eyes with mine and grabbed my wrist. It was scaring me, honestly. It feels like he's angry... A lot...

"answer my question honestly."

He sounded more stern than ever

"You love me, don't you?"

I was frozen in place. He knows? Only I knew about it and I tried not to make it too obvious, How could he've found out...?

He placed his hand on his back pocket and took something out

My.... Notebook?

I felt more defeated than ever. I guess I should already confess. Maybe, just maybe.... he would return my feelings... If he had any...

"I... I like you... Ai I really like you!! I've always liked you!! Every day you invade my thoughts and every time I make songs, my feelings are always there!! I-I would do anything to have you so just please return my feelings..."

My eyes were closed and tears were threatening to fall from them

Stupid... That was just stupid...


I heard Ai click his tongue and he looked at his side, his bangs covering his eyes (the OOCness ugghh)

"I-I feel...."

He started stuttering... This is my chance... I'd either be happy for my life or crushed... He had his attention back on my eyes and he looked more stern than ever

"Sayaka. I feel nothing for you. You're nothing more than a mere test subject. I have no need for you. You're no different from the others who were under my teachings."

Tears were just falling from my eyes. What did I expect, that a robot would love me??


A frown was on his face and the next thing I knew, I was pushed and pinned to the tree and I felt a pair of cold lips on mine


My cries were muffled. I couldn't get out of his grasp. I tried wiggling out but it was no use. (PG part, I guess...) I felt his tongue force its way inside my mouth. My cries still can't be heard as they were covered by a pair of overpowering lips

He finally stopped but he was still pinning me to the tree and I was left with no breathe. He clicked his tongue and looked directly at my eyes

"This is what you wanted right? You said you wanted me, but now you act like this"

He just looked mad. This time, I covered my mouth with my hands, I don't want this... I pushed him away from me, fear invading my whole form

"G-get away from me!"

I was crying more than ever. I ran back to my room. I don't want him to sleep in the same room with me tonight... Or ever again

As I was running, so many thought were circling my head

I don't like it here anymore...

I wanna go back home...

I wanna be with papa and mama...

And so many more. But... I still don't want to leave with this many unanswered questions, even though there are still more questions left, one thing is for sure

I don't like him anymore



A frown was on his face and the next thing I knew, I was pushed and pinned to the tree and I felt a pair of cold lips on mine.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain on the back of my head- the part that hit the tree. Hastily, I screamed and pushed him away.


"Sayaka?" Ai tilted his head to the side and looked at me in confusion.


"Ah.." And I last saw him turn to the direction of the kitchen.

"That fucker."


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