1 : Memories?

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Chapter 1

How could an A.I. have forgotten someone so important? Could it be because she was some sort of... "bug"?

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"YYYEEEEESSSSS, I'M GLAD YOU'RE ALL HERE TODAY! MY PIONEERING PRINCES! QUARTET NIGHT!" Saotome said in a booming voice. He called us to the dorms for something 'important'.

Tch... It'll just be one of his crazy acts again... I thought as I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

He gave us a menacing grin as his sunglasses seemed to glimmer in the darkness. "SOOOOO, MY PRINCES, TODAY, I SHALL INTRODUCE YOU ALL TO YOUR NEW COMPOSER!

MEE-" His words were cut as the door bursted open revealing our former teacher, Tsukimiya Ringo. Good, now we have to listen to more stuff.

He panted heavily as he arrived and a few tears ran down his cheek. This drama king.

"WHAT IS IT RINGO?" Shining asked with his usual annoying look.

"Shining! It's about Inoue-chan!" I raised an eyebrow at him.

All were silent. Even Shining's smile disappeared. Is that person this important to make even Shining frown? I wanna go home. I don't think this should even concern me.

"What about her?" Shining asked sternly. I want to go home.

Spoke too soon... Now Hyuga's here too.

He said nothing, walked towards us and handed us four (QN) a white envelope. Ai was the one who took it and read its contents.

Inside was a letter and over 15 music sheets.

Dear Quartet Night,

I feel like I'll be late on my first day so I had Hyuga-sensei give you guys this just in case I ever was late! If any of you are reading this then I AM, haha, sorry... ^^" I hope you appreciate my samples! I'd be happy to work with the four of you!

-Inoue Sayaka

"Sayaka... So it's a name of a girl... Jeez. Just get a new composer. And why did you get a female composer anyway?" I asked with a brow raised.

Ai was the first one to answer.

"Your reaction was too boring. Look, there are songs inside. They're not bad. We would last a year with these. Now, president, may we be dismissed?" He asked as the other two searched for anything else that's probably hidden in there.

"BUT OF COURSE B)" Shining boomed.

And he just... Flew out the window...

What's wrong with him...


After president left, I looked at the last two words in the letter.

Inoue..... Sayaka.....

How... Familiar.

"Oof... Wah!! I'm so sorry!"

I bumped into a short girl who immediately fell backwards.. She should really watch where she's going and eat more. She's obviously underweight...

"Let me help you up" I answered in my usual tone.

She grabbed my hand and thanked me with a cheeky grin plastered on her face. She already fell on her back. Why is she still smiling?

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