21 : Don't Overwork Yourself

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Chapter 21

Yeah. No one really likes the new girl.

* * *

=Inoue Sayaka=

"Okay, cut!" The director screamed. I stopped in my tracks and felt my legs give in to the tiredness I felt.

"Inoue-san, are you okay?" Fumikara-san asked. She held out a hand to help me stand back up, but I shook me head in response.

"Give me a minute..." I sad and tried to catch my breath. I've never felt this tired before, not even when I was taking idol lessons.

"That's all for today! It's getting late so you all best be getting home!" Akaru-san boomed over the megaphone he had in his grip.

"I'd love that..." I muttered. With Fumikara-san's help, I slowly rose back up to my feet and walked up to him after saying my thanks.

"Sensei, do I really have to act as the antagonist?" I asked.

He didnt answer immediately, and instead, nodded sadly. "This is the script our crew has prepared, and it would be a hassle to shoot everything all over again. Inoue-san, you should've said it in the beginning."

I looked down miserably and excused myself.

"Sayaka, the taxi's here." I heard Ai say. I didn't need to think twice and replied, "No thanks. I think I'll be walking." I don't think. I'm sure. I just need some time alone.

"Inoue-san~ Can I walk home with you?" Fumikara-san asked. I shook my head without looking back.

"No thanks. I'd like to be alone for a while." I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door, but the sound of Ai's voice stopped me in my tracks.

"I'm not a superhero. I can't rescue you at the perfect moment if someone were to harm you." He said.

I just shrugged and continued walking, not noticing Fumikara-san following me reluctantly.

I was about a few hundred steps away when I felt someone's presence. Remembering Ai's words, I slowly placed my hand in my pocket and gripped on something cold and slender which I realized was a pen.

I could stab the person with this. I thought

I whipped my head back and uncapped the pen at the same time in one swift motion, only to realize I was face to face with Fumikara-san.

"Ah, it's you..." I muttered.

"S-Sorry, but I just had to follow you!" She replied with pleading eyes.

I sighed and placed the pen back in my pocket. "I told you I needed time alone. Why did you even come here?" I tried to sound rude, but my voice cracked multiple times and it just made me look pitiful.

"I know what you're feeling." She smiled. How could I react to that? "The script is cut."

I cocked my head to the side.

"We have the power to fill it up. I see myself in you, y'know? I don't want you to make the same mistake I have."

I still couldn't understand what she was trying to say, so I simply stayed quiet. What did she mean by 'The script is cut'?

She sighed. "It looks like I have a lot of explaining to do."


I get it now...

We parted ways somewhere still far from the dorms. I found out she works at Raging, and only realized now that we were very similar.

The walk back home was pretty lonely, and I know it's hard to admit it, but I kinda already miss her.

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