Chapter 8: My Birthday Surprise

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Yo wazzzz up?!?!

I need help....

Anywho. Everyone should so totally follow me on Twitter ;D

It's @possibilites2. Or just type in truly madly deeply. :) thanks guys!!

And so my parents are having like cards night with their friends. And I'm the only one who isn't over 21. And it's really depressing because I go really go for some Sweet Red Wine or some Black cherry Mikes Hard Lemonade.

Ugh. The struggle is real.

But I'm listening to Hollywood Undead. Ugh Danny has my heart <3 lmao.

Anywhoos. On with the chappy!!

I really do need help...



Sapphire, Jamie, and I all stared at the door as it was opening even farther.

"What the hell?" Kaydon asked as he stared at us.

"Don't move. Maybe he won't see us." Jamie said as she stood like a statue.

Bo laughed at out terrible attempt at being seen. "We can still see you."

"Play dead!" Sapphire yelled as she collapsed to the floor and closed her eyes.

"Ya. That didn't work either." James chuckled.

"So. Um how did you get on my territory?" Kaydon asked staring at me.

"Uhh well you see." I said putting my panda in the bag and putting it back on my shoulders. "We snuck in and got past your guards."

"Right. So why are you in my room. Not that I have a problem with it." He smirked and winked at me.

Did he really just say that last part?

"To get my panda back that someone stole out of my locker!" I accused pointing at him.

"I only did it because you don't need that panda." He said with a shrug.

"Don't need it?" I yelled. "My boyfriend gave me the panda!"

"You don't need him either! He isn't your boyfriend!" Kaydon growled.

"Excuse me?" I snapped putting my hands in my hips. "Who the hell are you to tell me who I can and can't date?"

Kaydon's eyes got extremely darker to the point where they almost looked black.

"I'm your-" He growled before James put his hand over his mouth.

"Stop!" James yelled.

"We are going!" I yelled pushing Sapphire and Jamie towards the window.

"No you aren't!" Kaydon yelled when he ripped James' hand off of his mouth.

"Quick! Go!" Jamie yelled jumping out.

I flipped them off with a smirk before jumping out the window.

You know, if I wasn't a werewolf. That landing would have really hurt.

"Shift!" I yelled.

We all quickly shifted and ran.

I'm pretty sure we didn't care for our clothes right now.

I turned around and saw the boys looking at us in awe and something else I couldn't figure out.

"Who the hell are they?" Someone yelled.

The girls and I came to halt as there were four guards in front of us.

'We don't have time for this!' Sapphire growled through the link.

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