19_canadas cool

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"I still have no clue how I got stuck with you two" I sigh

"because I'm your best friend!" Jack laughs

"second best friend, I'm his first" Zach defends

"got it" I give him a thumbs up "so what are we gonna do?" I breathe out

"something" Zach answers shortly

"no! really?" I say, sarcasm very clear in my voice.

"yeah really" Zach replies happily

"Jack!" I yell and walk over to him away from Zach "explain sarcasm to Zach"

"I know what sArcAsm is" Zach defends "I was clearly joking"

"were you, were you really?"

"we both know he wasn't" Jack whispers to me

"yeah low-key doesn't know" I laugh "so where are we going to go?"

"somewhere" Zach replies

"are. you. kidding me." I speak my lips tightly closed after he shakes his head. I let out a sigh before speaking "why am I stuck with these two"

"because I'm you're best friend!" Jack cheers

"not this again" I mumble and Zach quickly speaks

"remember second, I'm your first" Zach replies

I let out a simple sigh before continuing to follow Jack, and circling him to follow Zach so I can bug him because I'm simply bored.

"Jack! Help!" Zach yells picking up his pace

"Hold on, we're almost there"

"to where?" I ask and stop, then walking by Jack's side.

"the park" he says "what else can we do"

"Yay! Better than staying in the hotel" Zach cheers running up ahead, soon followed by Jack.

"Go it, we're running" I say and jog over to them. As soon as I got over to them. They shout for the park and run over to it. I jog over to them a bit of out of breath from the two blocks we ran.

"You're tired?" Jack asks

"I mean I'm a dancer, not a runner"

"Have you ever heard of the running man?" Zach asks

"Yes, but it's not even running!"

"Funny, because I'm pretty sure that's what the name practically sAys!" Zach argues

"Whatever" I huff and go over to the swings, away from the small children. And the ten year old kids playing around the park.

"I'll race you!" Zach says getting on the swing next to me

"To where?" I ask getting some height

Dance To Art // D.S.Where stories live. Discover now