5_my b-day!

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"Hi Mariah" I smile and finish putting my hair in a bun.

"Good morning y/n" she smiles "and happy 19th birthday!" She brings out a present.

"I told you no presents"

"You tell me every year but it's your birthday!" She smiles "open it"

I open the present to reveal a small box. Opening it I see "a guitar pic?"

"Yeah, do you like it?" Mariah smirks

"I see what you're doing but yeah I actually like it because now I can stop using Brandon's cheap plastic ones" i laugh

"You don't even know what I'm doing" Mariah smiles and brings out a guitar

"Nice! When did you get a guitar?"

"Last night for a special someone's birthday" Mariah teases

"No you didn't" I say, excitement evident in my voice and she simply nods "thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" I give her a big hug and Tristan enters the room. "Look! I got a guitar!" I smile widely

"Why? Is there something special today?" He teases and gives me a hug before saying "happy birthday kid"

"Why thank you" I do a small bow and grab the guitar sitting on the couch of the lounge. I quickly tune it and play one of the melodies I was playing last night. I was too busy paying attention to the guitar. I didn't hear the conversation Mariah and Tristan were having.

"Okay, y/n the boys are waiting in the usual studio room" Tristan says catching my attention.

"Got it" I smile putting the guitar down and walking with my hands in my sweatpants pocket.

"Good morning" Jon speaks

"Morning" I wave

"Best friend!" Jack says looking in my direction.

I turn and look behind me, and see no one. I hear a few laughs though. When I turn around I'm taken in a hug. "Good morning too you" I laugh hugging him back.

I walk over to the speaker and pull out my phone and go to Spotify. I click on the playlist but before I can click play Tristan comes in the room and walks over to me after waving at everyone else.

"thank you!" I smile and take a sip of the simple Italian strawberry soda he just handed me. "Also Jaden is coming soon and we we're thinking about having a birthday dinner?"

"Yeah, I'll go if that's what your asking. This would be a good time to get to know the boys? Invite them" he suggests

"I don't know, because that means I have to tell them it's my birthday"

"They told you their birthdays, what's the big deal?" Tristan shrugs

"They told me the month and age, therefore not their birthdays" I counter, and press play on my phone to then begin teaching the boys more choreography and going over what we already learned.

That lasted for a few hours before Jaden made a grand entrance. I shake my head, he seriously didn't have to do this.
There Jaden is with roses and birthday balloons.

"Are you serious?" I go away from the group and walk over to Jaden

"Happy birthday!" He laughs and gives me a tight hug

"Okay, okay we get it" I laugh and we separate from the hug "why?"

"It's your birthday, what do you mean?" Jaden asks

"You didn't have to, I even told you before" I talk quietly making sure only Jaden can hear.

"Hey, this is your first birthday without your" he pauses "family"

That one sentence caused my eyes to get watery.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up" Jaden apologizes

"It's alright, thank you for the balloons and the roses" I send a weak smile "they actually are pretty, thank you" I make sure it's genuine. I grab each of the items and set them on the speaker.

"Y/n! We don't have all day!" Tristan yells

"Right, right" I wave at him "you can sit down, chairs in the closet or the floor, lounge in the other room" I state his options and leave him to decide going back to the group after restarting the song.

"I feel like an awful best friend!" Jack gives me a tight hug. I laugh before asking why. "I didn't know it was your birthday" he simply states and lets me go.

"It's alright" I shrug "I only met you yesterday"

"Happy birthday!" Zach comes up to me and gives me hug "and stop stealing my best friend" we laugh

"Happy birthday!" Daniel sings and engulfs me in a hug because of his height.

"Happy birthday" Corbyn pauses "19?" I nod my head and I'm engulfed in another hug.

"Happy birthday, y/n" Jonah engulfs me in yet another hug.

"Thank you guys" I pause "and gosh you three are tall" I laugh before placing myself in front of the 5 before starting the choreography again. I pause after 8 counts to watch them copy me.

I repeat it again until they all get it right. This continued for an hour.

"You guys have plans for tonight?" I ask casually doing more foot steps. They each say no in different ways. "Cool, how about dinner?" I pause "with Tristan, and Jaden the guy next to him"

"Must be a chaotic group, isn't it?" Jonah asks

"I don't know, why do you say that?"

"Because, there is 7 guys relatively the same age and a- you" Corbyn answers

"So? Don't think I can handle everyone?"

"Well" Corbyn starts

"I was thinking Tristan wouldn't be able to handle everyone" Jonah corrects

"Nah, with his dumbass. I'll be the one babysitting if anything" I laugh

"I don't know if you should talk" Zach says "you literally had a redbull and was bouncing off the walls" he finishes

"Wow" I pause "that invite I told you about. It's declined" I laugh

"Awww Zach! Look at what you did!" Jack whines

"Yeah, I thought it would be fun" Daniel agrees

"Either way I'm going, she's going to want her best friend to go" Jack says

I simply turn to Jaden who was listening to our conversation. "Here that Jaden? You gonna let him replace you?" I tease

Jack takes a glance at Jaden standing up. "Uh, I change my mind" he pauses "he's not going to beat me up, right?" He says and the five boys and I go into a fit of laughter.

"Just because Jaden is taller" I pause looking at him then back to Jack "he won't do shit" I laugh

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