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"You already said that" Tristan declares

"I know, just making sure people are listening" I smile

"I'm 18, I've been dancing my whole life. I've been stuck with Tristan since I was 16" I laugh and watch as Tristan shakes his head playfully with a grin "I promise I'm not always a pain, usually just to Tristan" I glance at everyone "Today it's a bit worse because I had a red bull last night, or I guess early this morning and it's just hitting me because that's how my body works" I ramble "anyways, I was born here but in Malibu and moved here a bit after I turned 18 so I can bug Tristan even more" I smile innocently "better?"

"Yeah, thank you" Tristan says

"Of course, buddy old pal" I smile

"I like her" a rosy cheek boy states, getting multiple eyes on him "oh, am I going?"

"Yes" Jon answers

"Okay, I'm Zach" he waves to Tristan and I "I'm 17, but I turn 18 in May so I'm not a child" he says, getting a few laughs "I was born in Texas and I'm a singer" he smiles

"I'm next!" The curly haired boy cheers "I'm Jack, I'm 19, I turn 20 in July" he smiles "I was born in Burbank, California but then moved to Pennsylvania and now I'm back here" he pauses "I'm also a singer"

"I guess I'll go" the person I asked for the secret, speaks "I'm Daniel, I'm 19, I turn 20 in April" he glances at me, then Tristan. "I'm also a singer and I was born in Oregon"

"Guess we're going in age order" a boy with platinum blonde hair speaks "I'm Corbyn!" He waves to everyone

"Hi Corbyn!" Jack answers, earning laughs around the room.

"I'm 20, and I turn 21 in November" he smiles "I was born in Virginia and guess what? I'm also a singer"

"I'm Jonah" he waves "I'm 20 and I turn 21 in June. I was born in Minnesota"

"Are you a singer too?" Zach asks

"Yes, Zach. I'm a singer and I'm in a band with you" he states

"I'm Jon, I'm the manager of these five boys. I'm here because we need to teach the guys some rhythm" he laughs

"I'm Zack! I'm the photographer of these guys and I'm tagging along on the tour"

"I thought we weren't going to say that" Jon says

"We already know" Corbyn answers

"Yeah, you told us last year" Zach replies

"You know how you said after? How about now?" Jon asks turning to Tristan

"If you say it now, she's not going to have a good reaction" Tristan says looking at me and I shake my head in confusion "we can still wait until after, so she can get an impression on them"

"Why are you talking like I'm not here? I have ears you know" I argue

"Okay, what did you hear?"

"I don't remember, get back to me" I speak, trying to think what they were talking about. From my response it earned a few laughs in the room.

"Okay, y/n it doesn't matter. Turn the speaker on" Tristan replies

I get up, going to the front of the room by the door and turn on the speaker. "Now what? Who's phone are we using?"

"You guys have the songs on a phone right?" Tristan asks

"Yeah, it's on Spotify"

"Okay" Tristan says walking over to me "we're using your phone, on Spotify"

"Got it" I say taking out my phone from my sweatpants pocket "what do I look up?"

"8 Letters, Why Don't We"

"This?" I speak turning my phone and he nods. I click play and the first song that pops up is '8 letters' The song plays throughout the room and I mess with the volume and base to hear it better.

"Which ones do they want choreography to?"

"I'm not sure, but let's just listen to them first" Tristan answers

"Okay" I smile and the next song plays 'talk' this time the boys started lip syncing dramatically and I laughed from their silliness.

'In Too Deep'

Half an hour later we listened to their whole album and I complimented them together. Because I didn't know who was who in the song.

"Let's do Friends"

- A/N -

so um, the quoted parts in the description. I thought was a good idea to describe the story because I didn't know what to say. Because of the fact I created it on the spot, now I need to figure out how to place it into the fictional story, oops. I know who's going to be speaking just need to put it in a part.

Dance To Art // D.S.Where stories live. Discover now