4_after dance routine

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I got to know the boys a bit more and eventually I went home. I have less than a month to teach them to dance so we're at least going to see each other multiple times a week.

"I should clean" I mumble "but do I want to?" I glance at several papers scattered over the table. My schedule on the kitchen counter. Pillows and a blanket on the middle of the floor because sometimes I just sit on the floor. Even if I have the couch, the dinning table, stools next to the counters and a whole other room.

"Y/n, you home?" I hear a muffled voice and a knock on the door.

"Guess not" I shrug going to door "Hey Jaden!" I step to the side letting him in

"Didn't you clean like two days ago?" Jaden says, making himself comfortable on my couch

"uh, y-yeah" I sigh "I honestly don't know how these papers always get so scattered" I say, going to my table and in a few swoops I have all the papers and I put it in a folder and leave it on the table. During that time Jaden was nice enough to bring the blanket and pillows back on the couch.

"So what up?" I ask sitting next to him on the couch

"I auditioned for a few movies, well I recorded my self-tapes" he smiles "have you gotten fired yet?"

"No!" I pause "wait, that's great. I hope you get it" I smile "Tristan wasn't even mad, at that" I laugh "I ate half his burrito and he was a bit upset. Anyways, one of them were late I guess I got off the hook, but I'm going on tour with them next month"

"Woah! Why are you going on tour with them? Can't you just teach them beforehand?" Jaden asks

"I know, that's what I thought too. Apparently they need more time to practice, and they're pretty busy I mean so am I. So we won't be able to schedule enough dances so they can learn properly. I'm also going to be an extra hand, plus I'm getting payed more because well I'm doing more"

"Well that's good" he smiles "well are you gonna be okay?"

"Um, I hope so I have a month so I should get into a schedule, now and then. I mean right now, I'm not doing much but I'm probably going to go to the studio again tonight" I smile

"Yeah, this month you seemed all over the place. Tomorrow do you have the day off?"

"I did, but now I'm going to go teach the boys"

"Oh man, how long will it take?" He asks

"Not too long, I think maybe around this time 3pm" I answer

"Great! So how do you feel about a birthday dinner for yourself?" Jaden smiles

"I would love that! If Tristan isn't busy I'll invite him. If not then it's probably just going to be us two"

"How about Mariah?"

"She probably won't come, she has her own life to live" I smile "honestly, she probably has her hands full with the kids that come by"

"Oh yeah, are they going to wish you a happy birthday?" Jaden asks in awe from meeting the kids a few times

"I'm not sure, if you're not doing anything. You should totally come with me tomorrow morning!"

"Sure! I had to run some errands but I can push it back until 4pm and dinner wouldn't be until like 8 so we're good"

Jaden and I hangout for a few hours. Then he had to leave because he got a call from his agency. I didn't mind though because it gave me more time at the studio.

"Back again" Brandon smiles

"Yup" I smile and wave. Going past the office and going to the second room. I walk in changing vacant to occupied and closing the door for more privacy.

There is a smaller room in the studio to record with amazing quality. Before it's a desk filled with many buttons and switches that I barely know myself what they do. I don't mess with it though, I simply go on the computer and amplify a bunch of music I've created. Making sick beats and music. When that's ready I adjust it to my voice. Creating a song.

This goes on for hours. I get takeout for dinner. I don't eat in the actual studio but Brandon knows me enough he lets me in the lounge to eat. I usually call my sister Sydney even though when I do it's usually 2am for her. We don't talk for long and it's not every night so I do it anyways.

Dance To Art // D.S.Where stories live. Discover now