12_lets explore!

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The guys have finished 6 shows so far. Tomorrow night is Houston Texas. For now we don't have anything to do. They had an interview in the morning and later tonight they're going to work on music.

"I'm bored!" Zach yells

"Stop yelling" I yell back

"After we do something!" Zach yells again

"What do you want to do!" I ask in a shout

"Can you guys shut up?" Jonah says walking downstairs in the bus

"Can we shut up!" Zach yells and I laugh "aw, you stopped!"

"What do you want to do?" I ask

"You can go outside?" Jonah suggests

"We can go outside" Jack says 'we' a bit stronger as if he just came up with the idea.

"Yeah sounds good, I'm getting ready" Corbyn says going upstairs

"That's going to be about" Jack says pausing to look at his invisible watch on his wrist "20 minutes"

"No way, he'll be ready in 10" I argue

"How about 2?" Zach says

"Are you dumb?!" Jack and I say in unison before laughing and looking at Zach's gaze behind us.

"Let's just go" Corbyn sighs and the first one out the door.

"Well who would've known" I say going to the fridge an immediately getting turned around.

"No redbull" Jonah says pushing me out of the bus

"I'm not even going to argue because it's true and I'm gonna end up losing so it's just going to waste time on us leaving" I say in one breath

"Aminos" Daniel says

"You speak Spanish?" Jack asks

"Idiot" Zach smacks him and begins to run down the street.

"Alright, looks like we're going wherever that way is" Jonah says

"Or we just leave them?" I say hopeful in the idea but they just laugh.

"Yeah, no way"

"They need to be babysitted"

"But I don't want to go that way" I counter

"You don't even know this area, how could you possibly know you don't want to go that way?" Corbyn asks

"Because I said so?" I shrug "thought it was quite obvious" I say and walk the other direction.

"Y/n! Wait!" Is all I heard then I hear steps running towards me.

"Jonah's babysitting" Daniel smiles

"Yay! We're the fun trio!" I jump "don't tell Jack or Zach" I quickly speak

"I won't, because someone won't hear the end of it" Daniel says

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