18_airport time

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It was a wonderful day in New York with my sister. A long goodbye with both her and the bus. To Montreal we go!


"I still don't understand how you can be so lively" Corbyn says

"Because she had an energy drink" Jonah guesses

"Technically it was only a few sips" I correct

"Jack!" Jonah scolds

"Hey, this time it wasn't me!" Jack defends

"Listen, if she's that bad. I have no problem sitting by her on the plane" Daniel offers

"You did this?" Corbyn says gesturing to me bouncing in place my heels repeatedly moving.

"Technically no, I just gave her a few sips of redbull" Daniel shrugs and starts bouncing too "I finished the redbull"

"These two with their redbulls" Jack shakes his head in disapproval.

"Y/n with her redbulls, Daniel rarely has them so it's fine" Jonah says

"Gates being called let's go" Jon says

"I'm tired" Zach yawns standing up from the floor

"Yeah, because you literally took a decent nap on the ground" I laugh

"Well, it was a good decent nap. I'd like you to know" Zach sasses

"Okay, go" I push him playfully so he can go forward in the line. Once I get there I hand her my ticket and it goes in successfully. "So I'm sitting next to you?" I ask Daniel

"Yeah" he smiles and we follow the rest of the people to get on the plane.

"Haha! Only you would trip over your luggage!" I laugh at Zach


"Woah" I gain my balance again

"Haha! Only you would trip over your luggage!" Zach mocks

"Hey! Leave me alone" I huff "at least I didn't fall"

"Whatever" he says and flips himself around walking into the plane at a quicker pace.

Daniel leads me to his assigned seat. I switched seats with Jack, now he is sitting next to Zach. Another not sure duo.

"So, what do you wanna do?"

"Currently? Dance" I sit down, putting my backpack on my lap. While daniel softly laughs and puts it under the chair "what do you wanna do?"

"Currently? Sing" he mocks and by my serious reaction he quickly speaks "not sure, I don't want to watch a movie" he shrugs

"Mhm" I hum and go on my phone clicking on Spotify to play some music while I put my airpods in.

"Do you only have a sister?" Daniel asks, my music is quiet enough to hear.

"Yeah, it's just her. Do you have any siblings?" I ask "besides bam bam"

Dance To Art // D.S.Where stories live. Discover now