37. sushi and vogue

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Johnny held my hand as we left our plane, leaving the gate and heading towards the exit. Our bodyguard, Malcolm, already had our luggage, so now we just had to try and find the exit with the least amount of paparazzi.

That plan however, failed. Someone from the inside might've told the paps what exit we were taking, because there were at least 20 guys here. I immediately lowered my head while Johnny squeezed my hand securely.

Over the years I've learned it's better to just not listen to whatever they're saying, because it might get you in a bad mood, and it's just not worth my time getting all bothered with false accusations. So I just heard screams and shouts of questions, with lots of flashing lights.

I guess Johnny was paying attention though, because he flipped them off, sticking out his middle finger to the crowd, making me chuckle and hold his hand even tighter.

We quickly left the building and got into a car that was already there waiting for us. The car left and sped off as soon as we got in with our luggage.

The driver started speaking as soon as we got in. "Nice to see you Mr. and Mrs. Depp. Where are we headed?" Johnny smirked and looked at me as soon as he said that, while I just shook my head and laughed.

"Home right?" I asked Johnny. He nodded and told the driver our address, and then cuddled into me for the rest of the ride.

We arrived about 20 minutes later, and we both immediately made our way to the bedroom, wanting to change into more comfortable clothes.

"I'm hungry." I mumbled as I went to the sink and splashed my face with water.

"I'm starving too. Let's make dinner." 

I happily obliged and led him to the kitchen. "How about sushi? We haven't eaten sushi in forever." 

He nodded and started taking the ingredients out of the fridge. "Fine, but I'm not rolling them, that's hard as fuck." 

I rolled my eyes and giggled while I washed out the white rice. "Fine. You cut out the salmon and shrimp pieces."

He laid down a cutting board on the counter and shook his head. "Nu-uh. Shrimp rolls only." 

I laughed and pressed a light kiss on his cheek.

Johnny did a good job with the shrimp and the other stuff we would be putting on our rolls, but of course he was stubborn on not even touching the rolling stuff we used to roll them up. I really tried to teach him but he refused, he said he would ruin them.

"And perfect. Now we're done." I said happily as I put both plates down on the table. Johnny laid two glasses and a bottle of white wine on the table. I sat down, and then the phone started ringing. Johnny was still standing up, so he rushed to get it.

"Hello?" He mumbled some things in response, but he nodded understandably, still not saying much. He hung up and came to the table and sat down. "That was Laura."

"What did she say?" He grabbed the chopsticks from their little package and ripped them open. "She said that I had to remind you that you have your Vogue shoot tomorrow. And that you can't make any excuses to not go."

I grumbled in my seat and put my head in my hands. "Why not?" 

He shrugged and took a sip from his wine. "She said something about having the whole crew and wardrobe ready for you." 

I nodded and took a sip from my glass too. "Fuck. I really don't want to do it." 

Johnny looked confusedly at me and spoke up. "Why not? You did amazing on the shoot we did last time."

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