7. projects and games

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I woke up the next morning and I was gonna go over to Johnny's, but then figured he was with Mila, so I decided not too. I took a quick shower and got dressed for the day. I had a meeting with Laura, my manager, about some upcoming films that I could have a role in. So, I made myself some breakfast and tea. I left my apartment and got a cab to her office, that's where we usually meet up.

I rode the elevator and when I arrived, I went straight to the front desk and gave them my name so they could let Laura know that I was here. I sat down on a couch while I waited and played with the rings on my fingers.

I heard heels on the marble floor and I looked up to see Laura walking towards me, so I stood up. "Bella! Sweetie, how are you?"

"Great how are you?" 

She gave me a hug and two quick kisses. "Fine as well, now come on we have lots of work to do." 

We made our way to her office and I sat down in front of her. "Now, I believe it's time to start looking for new films. It's almost been a year since the last one came out." She grabbed a file of paperwork and put them over her desk.

"I know, I was actually thinking the same thing recently. I want to get back to work."

"That's great, love the enthusiasm dear. Now I was thinking of something great but I don't know if you'll agree." She took her glasses off and stared at me, very seriously. "Oh god, what is it?"

"Oh no, nothing bad. But I know, and the whole world knows, how good friends you and Johnny are-"

"No Laura, I already told you we won't have a fake relationship." I interrupted her, knowing where this was already leading.

Laura laughed and said, "No dear that's not what I was implying. I mean sure, it would be a major-"

"Laura." I groaned and leaned back on the chair. "Yes, you're right I'm sorry. Now, I was thinking of putting you too in a movie together. It would be a major hit and would definitely blow up."

I thought about it, and that wasn't so bad. It would be fun. "What does Johnny say about this?" Laura is Johnny's manager too, which makes everything much easier.

"Well I haven't had a chance to meet up with him, but I know he would be thrilled." She stopped, as if trying to read what I was thinking. She continued by saying, "Why don't you tell him about it, and after you both think about it, come and meet me so we can go over details."

I nodded, "Yeah, I could do that. When do you want us to give you an answer?" 

She wrote some things down on her notebook and spoke up, "By the end of the week is fine. Call me and let me know."

"All right, that sounds good." She smiled and then continued by saying other things that I needed to do, photoshoots, and interviews and stuff like that. After about an hour, I finally left and walked home, since I really wanted to move my legs a bit.

I walked past a record store, and didn't think twice about entering. I have always loved records, so I bought one every chance I got. I looked through the shelves and decided on buying Queen's new album, 'The Miracle'. After having it safely in a bag, I continued walking.

I arrived about 20 minutes later and as I got off the elevator I saw Johnny waiting outside my door. He looked startled as he saw me and I started laughing.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. I grabbed my keys and unlocked the door and we both entered. 

"Well I've been calling you all morning but no one replied, I thought you were asleep so I came to check." He responded, sounding like a lost puppy. 

"That's weird, I had it in my bag and I didn't hear anything," I entered my apartment, Johnny following close behind, "but as you can see I have been very productive." I told him as I put my stuff on the counter. 

"Yeah right. Where did you go?" He asked.

"Well I had a meeting with Laura at about 9:30, and then I just walked home and got a new record." I excitedly showed him the new Queen vinyl and he laughed at how happy I was.

I put it on my record shelf and remembered about what Laura told me. "Oh yeah! Which reminds me, Laura wants us both to be in a film together." 

Johnny's eyes lit up as he came closer to me."No way! That would be awesome. Did she say what it would be about?" 

I raised my eyebrow at him and chuckled, "So you do want to do it? I thought you might wanna say no."

"Why would I? Quality time with my favorite person." He hugged me and ruffled up my hair, resting his chin on the top of my head afterwards. 

"Hey!" I laughed as I pulled away and fixed my hair again. 

"So when will we start shooting?" He asked with a grin on his face.

"I don't even know if there's a script already. Laura only told me to let her know if we agree to work together by the end of this week, and we'll meet up with her to go through everything."

"Perfect, we'll call her later." I laughed at how excited he seemed and went over to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. 

"Where's Mila?" I asked as I sat down on the couch.

"She left about an hour ago, I think I'm gonna see her in a while, I don't know yet." He shrugged and went over to grab some crackers from the pantry. "I'm really sorry about yesterday Izzy, she was too."

"It's fine, don't worry about it really." I really didn't want to talk about it again. The phone started ringing, and I quickly rushed to the kitchen to get it. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hi sweetie, it's me, Sarah." I met Sarah Jessica Parker about 2 years ago during an awards show, and she had quickly become one of my best friends, along with Courtney Cox and Naomi Watts. We were kind of like the inseparable 4. 

I immediately smiled and said, "Hey Sarah! How are you?"

"Great! Do you have plans tonight?"

"I don't know, I'll probably order some dinner and stay in."

"Wrong, you're going out now."

I laughed and responded, "Yeah? Where too?"

"To a bar or something! To drink and have fun. Courtney also said she'd come." She said.

"What about Naomi?" I asked.

"She's out of town right now. But please Bella you have to come! We haven't seen each other in ages."

"Sarah it's been a week and a half but fine, sure. I don't have anything better to do."

Sarah squealed over the phone and said, "Perfect, we'll be at your place at about 9:00 p.m."

"Sure, I'll be ready, love." I smiled through the phone and took a swig of my water bottle.

"Love you!" Sarah shouted as she hung up.

"Who was that?" Johnny asked as I made my way over back to the couch.

"Sarah, she wanted to hang out tonight." I opened the lid of the record player Johnny had given me for my first birthday here in L.A., and put on a Led Zeppelin record and sat back down on the couch.

"Cool, what are you guys doing?" He asked. 

"Probably go out to a bar or something, but not until later."

I grabbed a deck of cards and put them over the table. "Wanna play?"

He shrugged and came over next to me while I shuffled. "What?" He asked.

"Poker?" I suggested. 

"That's fine," Johnny replied while stretching his arms dramatically. "You're gonna lose anyway." He cockily said.

I looked up at him and gave him one of my most serious looks to intimidate him. "I beat you every time and you know it."

"That's because I let you win." I scoffed and started dealing the cards. 

"We'll see about that Depp."

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