2. settling in

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A week or two has passed, and I was honestly loving my time here. Johnny came over almost every day, helping clean and redecorate the apartment. While he painted some of the walls, I mostly scrubbed the floors, mopped, and got rid of any signs of dust in the way.

I made my bed with the covers that we had bought, organized the bathroom with everything I needed, and put my favorite records on a new shelf that Johnny had built. I didn't bring my record player with me, since it would take up too much space in the suitcase, but I intended on buying one here.

After everything was finished and the apartment looked cozy, we both plopped down on the couch, exhausted. It was about 9:30 p.m.

"Thank you, Johnny, I really don't know what I would've done without you."

He smiled and looked down. "Nah, it's nothing! Plus, all this work makes me feel useful, and I like spending time with you." He laughed and poked my stomach.

I giggled and put my head in the crook of his neck and said, "I know, it's weird. I feel extremely comfortable around you." He smiled and put his head over mine.

"Are people here this nice?" He laughed as I felt him shake his head. "Depends on who you meet, but I've been told Hollywood is a bit-" He paused, as if trying to find the word.

"A bit what?"

"Harsh, I guess. I have this friend, Nicholas Cage, he's an actor too. He just says it's very shallow." he stopped again, before continuing, "I mean, yeah it must be, but I feel like it's like that everywhere."

"True, there's obviously got to be more good people like you." I stated quietly. 

"Nope, I think I'm at the top of the list for that. I'm as good as it gets!" He said as he gently nudged my shoulder. We both burst out laughing and I threw some of the popcorn we were eating and threw it at Johnny.

"Oh, you did not just do that Miss Jones." He raised his eyebrows as he grabbed two handfuls of popcorn and threw them at me.

This continued into a popcorn fight, and after I surrendered defeatedly, we realized we had to clean up the huge mess we made.

"At what time do you have to wake up tomorrow?" Johnny asked me as he got the broom. "I don't know. The audition is at 10:30, so I guess I'll just wake up 8:30 or 9:00 to be able to get some breakfast."

"Perfect, I start filming at 11:00, so how about we go get some breakfast at 10:00, and then we each go where we need to go." Johnny told me yesterday he was shooting this new movie, Private Resort. He was starting tomorrow, so I guess that was convenient for me too.

"Sounds good. Ooooh let's go to that coffee place right next to 'Mangiare'." About two days ago, we had had lunch in this delicious Italian restaurant, and as we were leaving, we saw this cute little café right just next door, and we said we had to come back and try it.

He agreed and after we finished cleaning, we said goodnight and he left for his room. I was nervous about the audition tomorrow. It was for this movie called Desperate Hallucinations. I don't even know who else was gonna auditioning, but at the same time, I was excited. I really wanted to get the role. 


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping next to me. It was 9:00 a.m., so I had time to get ready. I took a quick shower and then put a bit of makeup on, and changed into some loose jeans and a black crop top, with a white oversized blazer on top, in case it's cold over there. I made myself a cup of jasmine tea while I waited for Johnny to come over. It wouldn't be long since it was already 9:48.

About two minutes later, my doorbell rang and I rushed out of my seat to get it. I opened it to see Johnny, who looked like he just got out of the shower because his hair was still wet. He looked good.

"Morning beautiful." He smiled cockily and leaned against the door frame. 

"Yeah, yeah whatever Depp." I laughed as I grabbed my bag and closed the door behind me. "We have exactly 30 minutes to get breakfast and make it to my audition on time so we gotta hurry."

The café, which I learned was named 'Davie's' was about 3 minutes away, and Johnny tripped over the entrance stairs, which made me laugh for about the whole walk there. We were seated and I ordered a croissant and a cappuccino, and Johnny ordered black coffee and a ham and cheese panini.

"Are you nervous about the audition?" Johnny asked me as we received our coffee. 

"Very. It makes me nervous not knowing what's going to happen."

"Well, you'll just go in a room and audition. That's it." I swear this guy could not have less than 20 sarcastic comments a day, it was funny.

"As always with the obvious, Johnny." I shook my head as I grinned up at him. 

"Okay I'm kidding, but don't worry about it, I'm sure you'll get the part, and if you don't, it wasn't for you and you can just audition anywhere else."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." The waitress handed us our breakfasts and I asked him, "At what time do you finish shooting?"

"I don't know, probably about 7 or 8, but it really depends on the scenes we'll have to get done." I pouted as I took a bite out of my croissant. "That's way too long. I'm gonna be bored."

"Awwww is Miss Jones gonna survive without me?" He playfully mocked as he started talking with food in his mouth, making him sound like an idiot. 

"Shut up." I fake pouted but couldn't help but laugh at his little kid actions.

"Ooooh I know what you can do!!" His eyes lit up and he leaned closer to the table. "You could come visit me on set."

"What? No Johnny I was kidding!! I can do just fine-"

"No no wait, hear me out," Johnny interrupted as he continued with saying, "It would be perfect, that way you can see how filming works, and you can meet people, or just do something different."

"But-" I tried to think of an excuse to not go, mostly because I would have no idea what to do there. 

"You have nothing else to do!! Plus that way I won't get bored in between takes." He cockily smiled but gave me some big puppy dog eyes.

I raised an eyebrow and thought about it. Maybe it would be good for me. Just to do something productive, maybe meet directors or other actors. "Fine." 

Johnny grinned excitedly and said, "If you get bored I promise you can leave, don't worry."

I smiled and told him not to worry about it. It was already 10:15 so we quickly finished our remaining breakfasts and we split the check because I wouldn't let him pay again. We called a cab and got there about 5 minutes later.

The car stopped and I looked over at Johnny nervously. "Look honey, don't worry too much about this. I swear you'll do just fine, and if you don't get the part, which I doubt, there are tons of other auditions okay?" 

I sighed heavily and hugged him, "Thank you, really. Where should I go once I'm done here?" 

"Take a cab to Universal Studios and when you get there, just say you're with me to the Private Resort filming." He opened the door for me and hugged me again. "Good luck, B, you'll do great." I smiled at him and started walking away. "Hope so!" I shouted back. I looked back and saw him getting in the cab, and quickly took off.

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