23. wakeup izzy

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"Bella! Wake up!" I heard a tiny and far away voice calling me from my front door. I decided on ignoring it, I was sleeping and no one would disturb me.

"Bella if you don't-" I heard the first part, but it turned to mumbling as I was drifting back to sleep.

"I warned you, I'm coming in!" The front door burst open and I immediately pulled the covers over my head as I heard it was Johnny. His footsteps were getting closer and I could tell he was coming straight to my bedroom.

He jumped in next to me, making the bed creak and shake a bit. I groaned as I buried my face into my pillow, making him pull the covers from me, which resulted in me shrieking as my barely covered-up body hit the cold air.

"Johnny stop!" I curled myself into a ball and hugged my knees. 

He put the blanket back on me, but whispered quietly, "Izzy we have our meeting with Laura in half an hour."

"That's today?" I mumbled as I started opening my eyes slowly. He nodded and laid down next to me.

"As you get up and get ready, I'll take a nap." I chuckled and playfully shoved him, still with my eyes closed, but I guess he was lying really near the edge of the bed, because I heard a thump on the floor.

I sat up and quickly rushed to the other side of the bed. "Oh my god Johnny, are you okay?" 

He turned over and started laughing, which made me relax a bit. "Finally something to get you to wake up." 

I scoffed and put my back against the bottom of the bed. "You did that on purpose?" 

He laughed and shook his head, "No, you pushed me, just not strong enough for me to fall."

I rolled my eyes and stood up, holding out my arm for him to take and stand up. "Yeah yeah, wait for me."

I walked over to the bathroom and took a quick shower and put on some loose jeans and a pink top. I grabbed some sneakers and my bag and left the bathroom, seeing Johnny sprawled out on the bed, snoring softly.

I quietly crept up to him and jumped on him, making him groan. "You actually slept didn't you?"

"Well, you always take a long time." 

I had my legs around his torso and my hands on the sides of his face. Quickly realizing the position we were in, I jumped out of the bed and made my way over to the kitchen.

I heard him stand up shortly after and followed me. "Do you want anything for breakfast?" I asked.

"Let's go with Laura first, then we'll stop on our way back for something." 

I nodded and started grabbing my keys, but Johnny stopped me. "I'm driving," I told him.

"No, you aren't. I am." 

I groaned and put my hands over my hips. "No Johnny. You always drive."

He laughed and opened the door for me, but I didn't want to step out because that would mean he would have the last word. "I like driving you around."

"Yeah well so do I." I raised my eyebrow up at him, making him whine, as always.

"Come on! It's the least I can do!"

I shook my head and knew I wasn't going anywhere like this. "Fine, but I owe you."

He grinned and we both left. His car was just outside, so he opened the door for me quickly, and ran up to his side, as he always did. I put on the radio and we quickly left for Laura's office. We were already 20 minutes late, but she knew that we always were, so she wouldn't kill us.

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