6. and they meet

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It felt like an eternity waiting for Johnny to come home. I had eaten my pizza and watched a film, but time still passed slow. I knew I was nervous, so I just really couldn't wait to be put out of my misery.

I was laying down on the couch, halfway through When Harry Met Sally when the doorbell suddenly rang. I put the player on pause, and rushed to the door, when I opened it, I saw an excited Johnny.

"She's here."

 Oh boy. I smiled nervously and shut the door behind me. "Be nice Izzy okay?" 

"I'm always nice." He shrugged, "Yeah, I know but-" Johnny was cut off by his door opening and a high pitched squeal that probably woke everyone on the building. She came over and hugged me tightly. I looked at Johnny confusedly, and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"You must be Bella! I've heard soooo much about you!!" She said excitedly, I don't know if she was genuinely this excited, or if she was just acting like she was. 

She was pretty, that was for sure, she had long blonde hair and green eyes. A bit too much makeup for my liking, but she seemed nice.

"Yeah, that's me! And you must be-" I regretted the words as soon as they came out of my mouth. I couldn't remember her name. I tried to think of when Johnny mentioned her, and as soon as I remembered, she interrupted.

"I'm Mila." Her toned suddenly changed to cold. "Has Johnny boy not told you about me?" She linked her arm with Johnny's and gave him a death glare. Johnny just looked scared as fuck.

"No no, he has talked about you! I'm just bad at remembering names." I think I saved us both from any future argument with her. Mila calmed down and laughed.

"Oh, that's okay! Love your accent by the way." She scoffed and turned around, taking Johnny inside, me following with a confused look on my face. I closed the door behind me and Johnny started to open a wine bottle. He poured a glass for each one of us and we sat down on the kitchen table.

"So..." I really didn't know what to say. Mila was just looking at me without saying anything. This was so awkward. I looked at Johnny for help and he just looked out of it. "Did you guys have a good time at Francesca's?" I said the first thing that came to my mind, just to stop the weird silence.

"Yeah it was great!! I mean the waiter kept hitting on me, but I mean who wouldn't? It was funny." Mila started giggling like an excited puppy and looked over at Johnny. "Wasn't it pumpkin?" I internally cringed at the nickname, but made sure not to show it.

"I mean, I don't think he was hitting on you, he was just being nice, but okay." He chuckled slowly as he took a sip of his wine.

"But he was hitting on me baby, why wouldn't he?" I could tell she was starting to get impatient, and I guess so did Johnny, because he quickly said, "Yeah, you're right, he was." He hugged her from behind and planted a kiss on her forehead, while she started giggling. This was so weird.

I took a big gulp from my glass of wine while Mila spoke, "So Bella, Johnny tells me you act too. Do you have any new projects?" Finally. A normal conversation was beginning, I think.

"Well no, I mean not right now. I just really want to wait until I find a project I really like so that I can have fun with it too." She laughed and kissed Johnny straight on the lips. Well okay. 

He looked at her in surprise, pulled away and laughed nervously. "Not right now, Mila."

"Oh that's right!" Mila looked at me as if expecting me to do something. I sat there dumbfounded until she spoke up and said, "Well Bella, it's getting late... Aren't you tired?" she gave me a smile and batted her eyelashes. I raised my eyebrows and slightly opened my mouth in shock. She really was kicking me out so she could fuck Johnny. 

"No Mila, she won't leave. I brought you here so we could all get along." I smiled at Johnny, thankful for him trying to help, but I really didn't want to be here any longer. 

I stood up from my chair and said, "No, you're right. It's late. It was nice meeting you Mila." I gave her an extremely fake smile and so did she. I was never usually one to be a bitch, but this girl was just asking for it.

I headed for the door and I heard Johnny groan and stand up too. "Bella wait!" I obviously kept walking and opened the door, ready to open my apartment. Johnny closed his door behind him and grabbed my wrist to stop me from entering.

"Johnny it's fine. You shouldn't leave her there alone, she'll get mad." I turned back around, stopping myself before I offended his new girlfriend.

"Izzy I swear she's not always like that, she's really nice when you get to know her. Maybe she just felt intimidated by you. I don't know." 

I scrunched up my face in confusion. "Why the fuck would she feel intimidated?"

"Because you've been my best friend for a long time, you're gorgeous, I always talk to her about you. I don't know Bella, but I know that she isn't always like this." Johnny looked at me, waiting for me to say something. I slightly laughed to make this situation a bit lighter, which made Johnny smile a bit too.

"I doubt that's the reason, but it's okay, not everyone has to like me." I laughed and looked down. 

Johnny grabbed my shoulders and said, "That's not true! She does like you, and you will like her. You'll get along perfectly after some time has passed."

I took a deep breath and smiled up at him. "I hope so. If she's important to you then I guess she is to me too." He pulled me close and kissed the top of my head. I pulled away and opened the door. "Goodnight Johnny, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Night Bella, I love you."

"Me too Depp." He chuckled and turned around before heading back to his condo.

I immediately went straight to my bedroom and threw myself on the bed. 

I didn't really know what to think about Mila. Maybe she was nice, like Johnny said, underneath all that fake façade she was putting on. I don't know why she was acting like that towards me though. I don't think I said anything that offended her. Maybe she was holding a grudge because I didn't remember her name. Yeah, that was probably it. 

I shook my head and sighed deeply, opened the book that I was currently reading and slowly let myself get distracted. 

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