32. surprise

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I woke up with my head laying on Johnny's chest and his arms wrapped protectively around me. I remembered that today was our last week of filming, and I immediately got really sad. I wouldn't be able to work with Johnny every day, and I had a lot of fun working on everything we did. These 3 months went by way too quickly.

I subconsciously started tracing my finger on his chest, which made him start to stir. I mentally facepalmed myself for waking him up. 

"Morning, honey." He started running his hands up and down my arms, which gave me slight goosebumps, making him chuckle.

"Hi," I whispered quietly, still half asleep. 

"D'you sleep good?" Johnny asked softly.

"Yeah, I did. Then I remembered filming is almost over, so that's sad." 

He nodded and sighed deeply. "I have something that we can do that can take your mind off of that."

"Oh yeah? What's that?" I asked him, turning around so I could see him. He looked at me lovingly and kissed me sweetly for a small second.

"Get dressed. I want to show you something before we go to set." 

I sat up excitedly and put my hands on his chest, making him trace his fingers on my thighs. "What are we doing?" I asked with a big grin on my face.

"It's a surprise. You'll see when we get there." I pouted and made my best puppy dog eyes at him. "Nah Izzy, that won't work this time."

"Why not?" I asked him as I saw him laughing slightly. 

"Because, I've been planning this for a while, so you can wait about 40 minutes more can you?" I widened my eyes in surprise and of course, what he just said made me even more curious, but I stopped asking anyway.

"Fine," I mumbled. "I'm gonna go get changed and I'll be back here in a few." I pressed my lips against his softly and rushed out of his apartment excitedly towards my place. I took an extremely quick shower and put on the first pair of shorts I saw and a basic white tank top with my sneakers and grabbed my bag quickly and rushed to his place.

"Babe I'm ready," I called out as I walked in. 

He started walking out of his bedroom and smiled as soon as he saw me. "Gorgeous." He muttered as he started walking over to me. 

I blushed and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, and he brought his face close to mine and kissed me slowly, his tongue entering my mouth ever so slightly. "Aren't we gonna be late or something?" I breathed out as Johnny started kissing down my neck. 

"What time is it?" he mumbled against my neck. I looked up at the clock and read, "11:25." 

He stooped his movements and quickly said, "Shit. We gotta go if we wanna be on time for set at noon."

He took my hand and started leading me outside and on our way to his car. "We'll continue this later," he whispered lowly against my ear, which made me giggle as he closed the door on my side.

The drive wasn't very far, we arrived about 10 minutes later, but Johnny told me to cover my eyes about halfway through the way.

I desperately wanted to peek, but Johnny was checking on me, and the time that I did peek, he put his hand over my face, and that was kind of dangerous cause he was driving, so I decided to just not look.

I felt the car park, and Johnny's door shut quickly. "Can I look now?" I asked impatiently as he opened the door for me. 

"In a minute." He took my hand and helped me get out of the car. I felt the nice summer sun above us, which made me smile as a slight gust of wind passed by us.

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