16. that hurt

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It was now almost midnight, and we had just finished filming all the scenes for that day. Johnny and I took a cab back home, and we were exhausted. Thankfully nothing was awkward after all that kissing we just did. I guess I could thank our really long and close friendship for that.

We rode up the elevator, and we went straight to Johnny's for a quick dinner. I threw myself onto the couch and laid there motionless, closing my eyes and letting my body relax a bit. 

I heard Johnny chuckle from the kitchen, which made me smile. "Do you want some sandwiches?"

I sat up at the thought of food, and nodded. "Sure, but you make them." 

"You know I can't cook." 

I shook my head and giggled. "Sandwiches are easy." 

He groaned, but started taking the ingredients out. I laughed and went over to the kitchen to keep him a bit of company.

I poured some water for both of us and set the table as he was finishing up, putting the sandwiches in the stove for a bit so the cheese could melt.

He brought the plates over and we both sat down. I squealed at the sight of the sandwiches and immediately took a bit, moaning as the delicious taste went to my hungry stomach. "These are amazing Johnny." 

He chuckled and shook his head, looking down at his plate for a few seconds with a suddenly troubled expression. After a while he spoke.

"I'm gonna break things off with Mila."

I almost choked on my sandwich, I widened my eyes in shock and took a huge gulp of water. "What?"

"I'm serious. I thought about it today." 

I looked up at him, very confused. "What happened? I thought you two were happy."

He sighed and looked down, "I was, but we fight all the time. Maybe I just realized she's not what I want. I know she's a good person, but not for me maybe." 

I rolled my eyes when he said the good person thing. From what I knew her, she wasn't a very nice person. "Well if that's what you want. To be honest I never really liked her, but you seemed happy so I didn't say anything." 

He nodded, but looked very distraught. I guess he was sad, which is totally understandable. "When are you gonna do it?"

"I don't know, I actually thought about talking to her tomorrow. I don't have to be on set until after lunch, so maybe tomorrow morning."

Shit. I groaned and put my head in my hands. "Oh my god, that reminds me, I have to be on set at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow," If tomorrow was Johnny's half-day at work, that meant I had to get there extra early, to do some scenes where Johnny wouldn't be required.

I looked at the clock behind me, and saw that it was already 12:40 a.m. "Johnny I have to go, If I don't go to sleep right now, I'm not gonna be able to wake up tomorrow." 

He nodded quietly. I finished my sandwich and went over to him, still deep in thought.

"Look, just do what your heart tells you to do okay? I don't know what that is, but focus on what makes you happy." I gave him a sweet kiss on his cheek and he hugged me tightly.

He cocked an eyebrow and said, "that's all I get after all the kissing we did today?"  

I laughed and hid my face in the crook of his neck, but then pulled away. "You never fail to bring a witty remark don't you Depp?"

He smiled down at me and kissed my forehead. "I'm glad I can bring a smile to that face of yours."

I stepped away from his embrace, and started making my way over to the door. "Goodnight Johnny, I'll see you tomorrow." 

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