Chapter 30

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Author's POV

The school yard was filled with graduate students, friends and family. Greetings like 'Congratulations!' flowed throughout the school yard.

"Congratulations hyungs!" Jimin, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Hoseok greeted to the three old graduates.
"Thank you!" They replied with a bright smile.

"Congratulations Oppa!" Ji Eun brightly said as she fixed Taehyung's crooked neck tie.
"Thank you my Beautiful Alien Girl!"Taehyung replied tucking a stand of her hair behind her ears.
"Welcome my Handsome Alien Boy!"
Beautiful Alien Girl and Handsome Alien Boy, weird right? Since the Get-Together they started calling each other that. It really proves that they are a Weird and Funny couple.

"Congratulations oppa! You must be really happy today." Sohyun said as she approached him.
"Not really because after this I know I'm gonna be real busy and I can't spend a lot of time with you." Jin pouted.
"Hey! We can still spend a lot of time together on the weekends right!?" Sohyun said trying to lighten up his mood.
"You have to graduate soon too and that way I get to see you everyday." Jin said.
"Yah! You are being weird." Sohyun hit his arm lightly.
They were talking and laughing about stuff when Jennie approached them. Jin pulled Sohyun behind him protectively in which Sohyun rolled her eyes at his action.
"What are you hiding her for? I'm just here to congratulate you." Jennie started her tone different this time. She cleared her throat and continued.
"Actually can I talk with Sohyun.....privately?" She asked.
"What's so private that you can't talk to her right here?" Jin questioned his tone cold as ice.
"I promise I won't hurt her. I just wanted to talk to her about some things." Jennie said looking down at her shoes. Sohyun seemed to sense that she's sincere about not hurting her and she was curious on why was she acting this way so she made up her mind.
"I'll talk with you." Jin looked at her with a question mark on his face.
"It's going to be fine oppa. Wait here okay?" Sohyun said.

Sohyun took a step first and Jennie followed her. After a few minutes walk they reached the park near the school.

"What did you want to talk about?" Sohyun asked as she sat on one of the swings and Jennie sat at the other one beside her.
"I..." Jennie trailed off.
"I'm going to America." She finished. It was silent for a moment.
"Oh. Why did you have to tell me this?" Sohyun asked as she was confused. Didn't she hate her? She thought.
"What I mean is....."
"Look I don't want to leave on bad terms with other people so......" Jennie was cut off on her sentence.
"I know what you mean....." Sohyun said and looked at Jennie straight in the eye.
"And I..... forgive you." Jennie's eyes got teary as she heard this.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Sohyun-ah. I didn't know what happened to me back then." Jennie was laying her head on Sohyun's lap as she said these.
"It's okay....." Sohyun tried to soothe her.
"No! It's not okay. I hurt you, I hurt your feelings. How can you still say it's okay?! You should be hating me right now!" Jennie looked up at Sohyun to reveal her face with trails of tears.
"Jennie-ya I don't blame you okay and I don't hate you. Please stop crying okay?" Sohyun's voice was too soft.
"I was so lucky to have had you as a friend." Jennie said looking back at the old memories of just the two of them.
"I wish we could be like that again." Jennie said as a teard sled down her face. Sohyun sat with Jennie's head on her lap.
"Jennie-ya. Your wish..... is granted." Jennie looked up to find Sohyun's eyes. She again bursted out in tears.
"You..... Sohyun-ah I missed you." Jennie yelped and hugged Sohyun.
"I missed you too." They both cried and hugged each other tightly.

"Have you really made up your mind in going to America?" Sohyun asked. By this time they were walking to Sohyun's house with their hands linked together.
"Yes. I want to have a fresh start and find my real self." Jennie replied looking up at the skies.
"We just made up and you are going already." Sohyun sighed.
"Yah! When I find myself I'll be back before you know it...... You should go everyone must be worried. I took you for too long" Jennie noticed that there were  lot of cars parked infront of Sohyun and Jin's house.
"Come in with me." Sohyun requested. Jennie just looked at her.
"Yah! The people inside will kill me." Jennie reasoned.
"Aish. Yah! Didn't you say you wanted to be in good terms with everyone before you leave." Sohyun fought back. Jennie didn't know how to reply anymore. She knew Sohyun and she wouldn't give up.
"Fine!" Jennie stomped her right foot like a kid.

"Sohyun-ah are you alright?! What did Jennie do to you?" It was Jin who first approached her with worry in his eyes.
"I'm okay." Sohyun replied shortly. She pulled Jennie who was hiding behind her a moment ago and revealed her to the people inside the house.
"Yah! What are you doing here?!" Ji Eun bursted as she pulled Sohyun to her side.
"Ji Eun-ah I'm alright. Jennie here wanted to say something." Jennie looked at Sohyun with a look of 'what?' on her face.

They all sat at the living room waiting for Jennie to talk. She was standing in front of them with Sohyun beside her.
"Well....." she trailed off. She didn't know how to start. She looked at Sohyun asking for help.
Jennie cleared her throat.
"Ji Eun-ah... Tzuyu-ah..... I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you. I know you hate me to the guts and I don't have the right to ask for your forgiveness but..... Can you forgive me?" Ji Eun was surprise at first but she think that Jennie was being sincere. She didn't reply though her heart softened towards her. Yu wanted to say that she forgives her but she chose to stay silent and wait for Ji Eun's reply.
"Jin-ya..... sorry for causing you and Sohyun trouble for the past years. I'm sorry to all of you." Jennie ended and bowed ninety degrees.
"Don't worry I won't cause anymore troubles.......... I'm going to America in a week." Jennie said once again. Everyone was silent after that until Ji Eun talked.
"Yah! You should have said your apologies long time ago..... The food is getting cold..." Ji Eun stammered and was cut off by Sohyun.
"Ji Eun-ah just say it." She playfully rolled her eyes.
"Well.......... I..... I forgive you and..... I'm sorry too. But don't think you can take Sohyun away from me." Ji Eun stuttered. Jennie looked at her with her eyes filled with sincere happiness.
"I...forgive you too...noona?" Yu said shyly in which Jennie replied with a bright smile.
"Really?! Thank you! You don't know how much I'm happy right now!" Jennie said tears of happiness streaming down her eyes.
Ji Eun approached her and hugged her even though she is still uncomfortable doing this with her.
"It's okay now. Just promise you won't do anything like what you did again." Ji Eun said rubbing her back softly.
"I promise." Jennie replied too quickly.
"But seriously the food is getting cold." Ji Eun said to break the ice. They all just laughed.

"My Beautiful Alien open your mouth." Taehyung lovingly said as he offered a piece of food to Ji Eun which she happily took.
"Thank you my Handsome Alien I love you!" Ji Eun replied.
The two of them were acting so lovey-dovey that made the others look at them. Some with a playful disgust on their face  and some laughing.
"Alien?" Jennie asked Sohyun who is infront of her at the dinner table.
"Ah. Yes they call each other that weird right. Anyway just continue eating." Sohyun answered her question. Jennie just nodded and continued eating.

Everything was finally falling to place. That was what they thought. Jennie is now in good terms with them. But is this the end though?


Don't worry it's not the end yet! Thanks for reading! I will update soon okay!

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