The Detour

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had a writers block. I will add to this chapter soon and I hope you enjoy.


I flew out of the sun hotel and down to Earth. I hit the ground harder than I meant to, and heard my right leg go "snap".

"Owwwwww!" I yelled in pain, but I had a mission to do. Struggling, I got up, but when I took a step, I just fell right back down.

"Do you need some help there?" I looked up and saw a boy who looked around my age standing above  me with a hand out.

"Yes please. I...I....I....I think I might have broken my leg." I gasped, holding in another yelp of pain.

The boy helped me up then said," Yeah, I saw you fall out if the sky, and, um...... I can have my mom take you to the hospital, if thats okay with you."

"No thank you, but can your mom take me to my aunts house?" I asked through pain.

"Yeah, okay, where does your aunt live?" He asked me sweetly.

"Only in Texas." I stated.

"Only?! Sorry, but my mom can't take you 5,000 miles away from here. Did you not know that we're 5,000 away from there? But if you know your aunt's phone number we can call her and ask her to pick you up. You can stay with us 'till then. I'm Dyllon by the way." Dyllon seemed shocked by me saying 'only' in Texas.

"I know my aunts phone number by heart. But, um...... I'm not really... supposed to give out my, um...... personal information, example, my,um........ name, or aunts phone number." I stammered.

"Well, I told you my name, didn't I? What, will you feel safer if I told you my phone number?" Dyllon asked with a smirk. I knew what he was getting at. He was hitting on me! But two can play it that game, and plus, he was cute with his short blonde hair, sky blue eyes, smile.....

"I guess it would make me feel safer." I returned his smirk, or at least did the best I could, because he laughed.

"Okay then, my phone number is (514)637-9820. Feel safer now?" Dyllon asked, still smirking like an evil madman planing to blow up the entire world.

"Well then, I didn't think that you would have the guts to tell a complete stranger, whose name is a secret, your phone number. But a promise is a promise, so my aunts phone number is; wait! Can't I just call my aunt from my cell?" I backfired.

"Great idea! But I told you my VERY PERSONAL name AND phone number, so it would only be fair for you to do the same." He always seems to turn the stuff on me!

"Well, it wouldn't be much fun as to kepp my information a secret from you, now would it?" I asked, sure that I stumped him now.

"Fine then, I'll just call you Sunshine. K Sunshine?" Seriously! Dyllon is impossible.

"I'd rather go by Becca." I stated flately, trying not to blush.

"Sorry, but the nickname stays, and plus, when you blush like that, it makes you shine like the sun." He smirked. Again.

I couldn't stop from blushing at Dyllon's comment. Without looking in the mirror I already knew that my cheeks were bright red. Also, Dyllon's smile told me the same thing.

"Fine. Will you call me Becca if I told you my cell number?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, I think so. That will do." Dyllon responded.

I had to think up a fake number." Um.... my number is (012)345-6789." I tried.

" When I said I wanted your number, I meant your real number, not a made up one." Dyllon countered. He could catch anything, there was no getting out of this.

I put a smile on my face and told Dyllon," (756)381-9240"

"There we go Sunshine." He smiled and I nearly fainted." Now, do you want help up again?"

I didn't even feel myself fall back on the ground, and I instantly blushed. One because I was having a conversation with someone from the ground, two because he called me Sunshine again. Dyllon pulled me up to my feet and pulled my arm around his neck.

"Now, don't put pressure on your leg. Trust me, my mom is a doctor, she can help you, she always helps out my friends." Dyllon assured me.

"One, don't call me Sunshine, I told you my number. Two, who said we're friends? We just met, like, 10 minutes ago." I snapped in the meanest voice I could fake.

"You lyed about your number the first time. And, do you want to be friends or not? Offer closes in 10 seconds. 10, 9, 8..." Dyllon backfired.

"We can be friends if you call me Becca." I teased.

"Take my offer or leave it." He said.

"Fine!" I sighed." We can be friends."

"Good, now, here we are, my humble home." Dyllon pointed at a bright white house that lookes like it cost a gazillion dollars.

When did we start to walk? I am so dumb. Dyllon led me inside, then yelled out, "Mom! You have a patient!"

"Okay! I'll be there in a sec! Is it serious or just a little setback?" Dyllon's mom yelled from another room.

"Um, I had to half carry her here because she fell from the sky and broke her leg. How serious is that?" Dyllon asked, and I blused at the first part.

"OMG! I'll be right there!" Dyllon's mom yelled. In like 3 seconds, a beautiful young woman, no older than 30, stepped out of the doorway.

"Hello, my name is Mary. What's yours?" Mary asked me.

"My name is Becca." I told Mary.

"Okay. I'll do an x-ray on your leg, and if it's broken, I'll put a cast on it and give you a pair of crutches. Does that sound good?" Mary asked me.

"Yes, thank you very much." I replied.

"Oh, anything for a friend of Dyllon's. Dyllon, take Becca here to my x-ray room, K? I'll be there in a sec, I just have to check a book of mine." Mary told Dyllon, then rushed off to another room.

"K Sunshine, off to the x-ray room. Have you ever had an x-ray before?" Dyllon asked me.

Suddenly I remembered, if I get an x-ray, then Dyllon and Mary will find out I'm a fairy.

"Actually, Dyllon, I feel much better, I can just go outside, call my aunt, and get going." I told Dyllon, and made a run for the door, but Dyllon blocked me.

"Listen Sunshine, I know why you fell from the sky, your a fairy. Don't worry, my family is too. My dad is an evil fairy. Don't worry. I'm with you." He must have saw me look down because he tilted my head up and asked me, " What is your last name?"

"Hasdnad. Becca Hasdnad. But I'm NOT a fairy. I simply fell from an airplane." I replied.

"Your father, is he Rob Hasdnad?" I nodded, and he hugged me." When will you find out about all this fairy stuff?" He asked me.

"Get off me! I'm not a fairy, maybe my family is, but I'm not willing to except the fact that I am." I answered, and Dyllon wiped a stray tear away from my cheek.

"It's okay." He told me, and before I could react, he kissed me lightly on the cheek." It's okay."

"Enough! I'm leaving, goodbye." I told Dyllon and tried to walk outside, but I just fell, and Dyllon followed me. "Just leave me alone! I don't need another fairy in my life!" I cried and struggled to get up, but it was useless. "Can you help me up? If you do, I'll stay for the cast and crutches." I asked.

Dyllon wiped more tears from my face and answered, "Sure, I'll help you up. Again." And once again, he smirked.

"Whatever. Lets just get this over with." I murmured, walking back into Dyllon's house with his support.

We went back into the x ray room and Dyllon's mom was waiting for us. She smiled and told me to stand behind the x ray. After a few minutes, she told me that I can move, so I went to stand next to Dyllon. He

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2015 ⏰

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