The Beginning

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It all started on the first day of high school. 'Ring ring!'

" Oh no, I'm late!" I scolded myself for being late on my first day of school, running to class.

Just as my homeroom teacher, Mr.Machentoch, was about to mark me absent, I burst into the room, yelling,"Here!" But only to be accused if lateness.

"Becca, your late. Why?" Mr.Machentoch sternly asked.

"Technically, I'm not late, because I was here for role call." I smirked, but then started shaking as the class started hooting.

"Come and talk to me at recess." He told me sternly, then turned back to the class. He calmed down and told the class, " Ok, for math we are doing 51 through 57." All the while avoiding eye contact with me.

I looked up at the clock, it read 9:50. Dang, an hour of lecturing, I told myself. I finished my math with people whispering behind their hands.


Please comment on what you think about this first chapter, any spelling errors, or improvements I could make. Thank you for reading, and enjoy the next chapter.

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