Then Have to Leave...........

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Walking out of the bathroom, I peered behind me to see if my wings were showing, they weren't. When I walked into the living room, everything was in boxes.

"Dad, what's going on?!?!???!!!?!" I asked him, and his head popped out of a huge box.

"Do you want the short and sweet, or the whole thing?"

"Give me the whole thing, dad."

"Ok, so, we are moving closer to the school, so that way its easier for you......" He started.

"Ok. Then why are we packing now??" I asked.

"I was getting to that. The people that are buying our house want it in 2 days, so, we are staying at aunt Mary's farm 'till then. She said she will let you ride her horses too." He finished, all to fast for me.

In one day, I made a new friend, grew wings, and figured out that we're moving 500 miles out of the state, how wonderful. Tomorrow's going to be my last day of school, too.

DARN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)


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